Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Seed Romoval Essay Example For Students
Seed Romoval Essay AbstractWhy do seeds scatter to shape new plants? On the off chance that the seeds basically fell and developed underneath the parent plants they would be too stuffed and would be famished of supplements. So it is significant that the seeds are scattered over a wide region where they have a superior potential for success of finding the correct condition to develop. In this trial I anticipated that the red shade of jello would have the most elevated mean number of seeds expelled from the aluminum tin dish. Likewise, between site 1 and site 2 of jello set out, site 1 would have a higher all out number of seeds expelled. Fundamentally, for this lab we put ten oat seeds in five unique shades of jello: red, yellow, orange, blue, and green which were shaped into an aluminum tin skillet. We likewise had two controls in which there was no jello. We set the tin works out onto two test destinations. For a time of seven days, a gathering part would go out to the locales (around a similar time o f day) and supplant the seeds in each tin container and discard the old seeds from the destinations. The quantity of seeds expelled from each tin container was recorded. A chi-square test was determined from our information and a p-estimation of 0.75 was resolved. Results show that the most elevated mean number of seed expulsion originated from the tin container with the jello shades of blue and green. Red being the second least mean number of seeds evacuated. Likewise, site two had the higher absolute number of seeds expelled contrasted with site one. The determined p-estimation of 0.75 showed that our information was factually irrelevant. There could have been numerous components affecting our outcomes since we are managing nature. IntroductionFlowering plants repeat themselves by delivering seeds. The seeds likewise give the plants an approach to spread out and develop in new places, now and then far from the parent. This is significant in such a case that the seeds are not scatt ered, many sprouting seedlings will become exceptionally near the parent plant. This outcomes in rivalry between all of the seedlings just as with the parent plant. The opposition is for light, space, water and supplements. These are significant for plants to have the option to develop. (3) Seeds can be scattered in various manners. They might be conveyed by wind, water or creatures. Consequently, the reasons why we are calling this test as seed expulsion not seed predation. In this test we utilized five distinct shades of jello as our medium to put the oat seeds in. I guessed that the medium that contained the red jello will have the most seeds expelled from it as a result of its high frequency esteem, which is generally noticeable to winged creatures. (2) We set the tin dish in two areas, one with hedges/trees around it and the other in open level land. I likewise conjectured that the area with shrubs/trees around it will have more seeds expelled from the jello in light of predati on living close by in the hedges/trees. The creatures wouldnt need to go a long way from their home to discover food. MethodsThe general techniques for this analysis were taken from the Laboratory Manual for General Ecology composed by Richard Mack and Alan Black. The general trial configuration was contrived by our gathering. We got twelve aluminum gauging dish and shaped jello into ten of the container. We utilized five unique hues: red, yellow, orange, green, and blue. There were two reproduces for each shading and two controls wherein there were no jello. We utilized oat seeds; ten seeds in every aluminum dish. The seeds were tested into the jello in irregular areas divided as similarly separated as we could. The aluminum gauging container were then positioned and made sure about straightforwardly onto the ground with slender wires at the test destinations. We put the dish into two destinations, each site having one shade of jello and one control. Each container was around put f ive feet from each other and each site roughly fifteen feet from each other. The main site had a little incline and two or three shrubs/trees encompassing it. The subsequent site was more .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .postImageUrl , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:hover , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:visited , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:active { border:0!important; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:active , .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:hover { murkiness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } . ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ue2593616ef413bbbad3b8ad1a42890a0:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Teen Suicide Essay
Monday, July 13, 2020
The Difference between MLA and APA Format
The Difference between MLA and APA Format EP 54: The Difference between MLA and APA Format EP 54: The Difference between MLA and APA Format When we write academic papers, it is important that we follow standards. APA and MLA formats are two distinct citation styles we can use in our papers. Yes, learning a style is a complicated and confusing process. Even within a given style, as times change, styles also shift and we must change with them. If you want to be recognised professionally in the academic field you must use formatting guidelines. Join Cath Anne as she discusses the similarities and differences between MLA and APA formatting styles. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys and welcome back to our channel. My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. This is Episode 54 of the show here on the show. We provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:00:24] Today lets talk about APA and MLA for writing when we are writing essays. It is important that we follow guidelines MLA and AOA formatting the style guides are two distinct styles that we can use when we are writing our papers. Yes learning a new style can be difficult and confusing process. As times change styles also changed and we must learn to adapt and be flexible with them. However if you want to be taken professionally in the academic field you must learn to use different style guides which are appropriate to the academic field in which you are working. This is why weve decided to give you an overview of both APA and MLA formatted guides. Today we will begin with a discussion of the similarities between the two formats and then we will move on to some of the distinct differences that differentiate MLA from APA format. Cath Anne: [00:01:25] MLA stands for Modern Literature Association. The style was developed in 1883 by teachers and scholars and the academy seeks to promote literature and English. The English language throughout the academic profession. Cath Anne: [00:01:44] APA stands for American Psychological Association. The first time that this style was seen was in a Psychological Bulletin which was written in 1929. In this edition of The Bulletin the guidelines for APA style were laid out. Cath Anne: [00:02:00] Now lets discuss the similarities between MLA and APA format. First in each style the layout of the page is the same. You are going to want to use one inch margins set your font to twelve point font and use. Times New Roman youre also going to want to have a reverences or a workcit. page. At the end of the essay is just pages will also be numbered at the top. Text should also be double spaced. I recommend setting all your font margins and your text spacing at the beginning of the essay so that you dont have to go back and read format. At the end of the essay. That way you can make sure that everything is streamlined and ready to go when youre ready to pass in your essay. As mentioned the final page of your essay will include a reverences or a Works Cited page. Each of the citations on this page will be also double spaced and they will go in alphabetical order as well. Each citation should have a hanging indent which means that the citation is indented on the se cond line and the third line. Remember that reference pages and work cited pages are included on the last page of the paper. However they never count towards your word count. Another similarity is that all information that you use in your paper must be properly saved through the paper as well as recognized in your citation page. At the end of your essay as noted both of the citations styles use in text citations. These appear as parenthetical citations within the body of your text. For example if we are citing something from Big Bird written in 2010 in MLA formatting you are going to use the last name, Bird, and the page number on which you found the information. APA style, on the other hand, uses the citation format in parenthetical brackets the last name of the person so in this case we would use Bird comma, the year that the publication was issued, comma the page number on which you found the information if you have taken a direct quote from some information. Cath Anne: [00:04:18] If you are looking to quote something within the body of your text make sure that all of the quotations transitions smoothly and integrate well into your text. Try not to go too heavy on quotations directly from the text. Professors tend to prefer paraphrasing as opposed to direct quotations unless it is something they request specifically blocked quotations can also be used throughout the text. However use these intentionally and sparingly. Cath Anne: [00:04:51] Now lets move on to some differences between APA and MLA format and. Only format is generally used in the arts. So for for example English, art, theatre. On the other hand APA format is generally used in the sociological disciplines like social work, sociology, and psychology as the name alludes. In MLA format you will see Works Cited page on the final page of your essay. In APA format it is a bit different and the references page will be called just that, the References page. In MLA format when you are going to cite some information you will want to use this citation style Bird comma Big. On the other hand in APA format the references are cited with the last name comma and then the first initial. So for example. Bird comma B. In MLA format when information is cited within the text make sure that you place the page number within the parentheses. So for example according to Big Bird writing is a good way to practice the English language and that at the end of t he sentence you bracket the number the page number on which you found that information on the other hand. In APA format when you are citing information in a sentence make sure to put the year during which the information was published. So for example Big Bird believes that writing centres are awesome and then in brackets you will put the year right after the name that you have cited. So for example it would be Big Bird (2010) believes that writing centers are awesome. In MLA format quotes for lines or longer are called blocked quotation and they are indented to tabs or. In APA format, quotes forty words or longer are also forming block quotations. They are adjusted 5 spaces over in the context of the paper. In MLA format when titles of works are cited within the references page they are italicized and APA format, the first word of the title is capitalized and the rest are lowercase. Theyre not italicized. Cath Anne: [00:07:38] If you are struggling with APA or MLA format consider using a citation tools such BibMe we will link it in the description box below. This can help you to organize your citations and create a bibliography for you that you can include at the end of your paper. However dont become reliant on these tools. Think of them as just that tools. Cath Anne: [00:08:05] Getting a copy of the actual APA or MLA manuals can also be very helpful in learning these formatting styles as well. Cath Anne: [00:08:15] Check out Owl Perdue that website has a great breakdown of both MLA and APA style guides wherein you can learn the thoroughbred of both of these styles. Cath Anne: [00:08:26] Also consider visiting your campuss writing center for more support on MLA or APA for math. Cath Anne: [00:08:33] If youre looking for more support on either of these styles try to check out Episode 35 of the show that in that show we provide you a an in-depth overview of the APA format. [00:08:47] Okay so thats it for me this week guys. I hope this video was a benefit for you. If you have any questions jump into the comment box below. Weve linked and listed all the information Ive discussed in this video. In the description box if you want to go on any of our social media platforms. All information is listed below. Take care. Make sure to get a leg and the thumbs up and make sure you Subscribe for more. The Difference between MLA and APA Format EP 54: The Difference between MLA and APA Format EP 54: The Difference between MLA and APA Format When we write academic papers, it is important that we follow standards. APA and MLA formats are two distinct citation styles we can use in our papers. Yes, learning a style is a complicated and confusing process. Even within a given style, as times change, styles also shift and we must change with them. If you want to be recognised professionally in the academic field you must use formatting guidelines. Join Cath Anne as she discusses the similarities and differences between MLA and APA formatting styles. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Hi guys and welcome back to our channel. My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global. This is Episode 54 of the show here on the show. We provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Lets jump in. Cath Anne: [00:00:24] Today lets talk about APA and MLA for writing when we are writing essays. It is important that we follow guidelines MLA and AOA formatting the style guides are two distinct styles that we can use when we are writing our papers. Yes learning a new style can be difficult and confusing process. As times change styles also changed and we must learn to adapt and be flexible with them. However if you want to be taken professionally in the academic field you must learn to use different style guides which are appropriate to the academic field in which you are working. This is why weve decided to give you an overview of both APA and MLA formatted guides. Today we will begin with a discussion of the similarities between the two formats and then we will move on to some of the distinct differences that differentiate MLA from APA format. Cath Anne: [00:01:25] MLA stands for Modern Literature Association. The style was developed in 1883 by teachers and scholars and the academy seeks to promote literature and English. The English language throughout the academic profession. Cath Anne: [00:01:44] APA stands for American Psychological Association. The first time that this style was seen was in a Psychological Bulletin which was written in 1929. In this edition of The Bulletin the guidelines for APA style were laid out. Cath Anne: [00:02:00] Now lets discuss the similarities between MLA and APA format. First in each style the layout of the page is the same. You are going to want to use one inch margins set your font to twelve point font and use. Times New Roman youre also going to want to have a reverences or a workcit. page. At the end of the essay is just pages will also be numbered at the top. Text should also be double spaced. I recommend setting all your font margins and your text spacing at the beginning of the essay so that you dont have to go back and read format. At the end of the essay. That way you can make sure that everything is streamlined and ready to go when youre ready to pass in your essay. As mentioned the final page of your essay will include a reverences or a Works Cited page. Each of the citations on this page will be also double spaced and they will go in alphabetical order as well. Each citation should have a hanging indent which means that the citation is indented on the se cond line and the third line. Remember that reference pages and work cited pages are included on the last page of the paper. However they never count towards your word count. Another similarity is that all information that you use in your paper must be properly saved through the paper as well as recognized in your citation page. At the end of your essay as noted both of the citations styles use in text citations. These appear as parenthetical citations within the body of your text. For example if we are citing something from Big Bird written in 2010 in MLA formatting you are going to use the last name, Bird, and the page number on which you found the information. APA style, on the other hand, uses the citation format in parenthetical brackets the last name of the person so in this case we would use Bird comma, the year that the publication was issued, comma the page number on which you found the information if you have taken a direct quote from some information. Cath Anne: [00:04:18] If you are looking to quote something within the body of your text make sure that all of the quotations transitions smoothly and integrate well into your text. Try not to go too heavy on quotations directly from the text. Professors tend to prefer paraphrasing as opposed to direct quotations unless it is something they request specifically blocked quotations can also be used throughout the text. However use these intentionally and sparingly. Cath Anne: [00:04:51] Now lets move on to some differences between APA and MLA format and. Only format is generally used in the arts. So for for example English, art, theatre. On the other hand APA format is generally used in the sociological disciplines like social work, sociology, and psychology as the name alludes. In MLA format you will see Works Cited page on the final page of your essay. In APA format it is a bit different and the references page will be called just that, the References page. In MLA format when you are going to cite some information you will want to use this citation style Bird comma Big. On the other hand in APA format the references are cited with the last name comma and then the first initial. So for example. Bird comma B. In MLA format when information is cited within the text make sure that you place the page number within the parentheses. So for example according to Big Bird writing is a good way to practice the English language and that at the end of t he sentence you bracket the number the page number on which you found that information on the other hand. In APA format when you are citing information in a sentence make sure to put the year during which the information was published. So for example Big Bird believes that writing centres are awesome and then in brackets you will put the year right after the name that you have cited. So for example it would be Big Bird (2010) believes that writing centers are awesome. In MLA format quotes for lines or longer are called blocked quotation and they are indented to tabs or. In APA format, quotes forty words or longer are also forming block quotations. They are adjusted 5 spaces over in the context of the paper. In MLA format when titles of works are cited within the references page they are italicized and APA format, the first word of the title is capitalized and the rest are lowercase. Theyre not italicized. Cath Anne: [00:07:38] If you are struggling with APA or MLA format consider using a citation tools such BibMe we will link it in the description box below. This can help you to organize your citations and create a bibliography for you that you can include at the end of your paper. However dont become reliant on these tools. Think of them as just that tools. Cath Anne: [00:08:05] Getting a copy of the actual APA or MLA manuals can also be very helpful in learning these formatting styles as well. Cath Anne: [00:08:15] Check out Owl Perdue that website has a great breakdown of both MLA and APA style guides wherein you can learn the thoroughbred of both of these styles. Cath Anne: [00:08:26] Also consider visiting your campuss writing center for more support on MLA or APA for math. Cath Anne: [00:08:33] If youre looking for more support on either of these styles try to check out Episode 35 of the show that in that show we provide you a an in-depth overview of the APA format. [00:08:47] Okay so thats it for me this week guys. I hope this video was a benefit for you. If you have any questions jump into the comment box below. Weve linked and listed all the information Ive discussed in this video. In the description box if you want to go on any of our social media platforms. All information is listed below. Take care. Make sure to get a leg and the thumbs up and make sure you Subscribe for more.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Delays And Congestion At Frontiers East - 1089 Words
Passenger air travel has been forecasted to increase to over 1 billion persons annually by 2023. This alone has a great likelihood of negatively impacting airport capacity at several of Frontier Airlines’ major hubs due to inefficient runway use. This case study will focus on delays and congestion at Frontier’s east coast hub, Philadelphia International Airport (PHL), and how improvements can effectively reduce the amount of delayed flights Frontier consistently experiences. Background Philadelphia Municipal Airport opened on June 20, 1940 along the banks of the Delaware River. By year’s end, approximately 40,000 passengers travelled through the airport. By 1945, the municipal airport became Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) courtesy of transatlantic service by American Overseas Airlines. In the 1960s and 1970s, expansion and modernization paved way for the airport facility in use today. Increased popularity of air travel, population growth, and urban development have all contributed to the increase in congestion and decrease in capacity at PHL over the years. FAA records as far back as 1995 show that PHL ranked consistently as one of the most delayed airports (FAA, 2010). Many of these delays at PHL have secondary and tertiary effects at the airports to which the originating flights are destined. Hub and spoke carrier passengers depending on their on-time arrival may miss connecting flights and, at times, additional onward flights, cruises, or other important events.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
lung cancer Essay - 1459 Words
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Through understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors can easily diagnose and assess cancer patients. Lung cancer takes many years to develop. The characteristics of lung cancer the same as any type of cancer but it effects the lungs. Lung cancer is caused by expose to carcinogens†¦show more content†¦Some symptoms of lung cancer are chronic cough, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing, swelling in the face and neck, weight loss, fever, loss of appetite, and shortness of breath. A doctor can diagnose lung cancer through many tests. The doctor can have x-rays and CAT scans done to see what the inside of the lungs look like. By doing this that doctor is able to see what stage the cancer is in. A doctor may also do a test called a bronchoscope. This test allows the doctor to look inside the bronchial tubes and biopsy the tumor. The doctor then can take a small amount of the cells to study them to determine if the unusual cells are cancerous. If the cells turn out to be cancerous then the patient is in for many months even years of harsh treatment. Surgery is the most common method used to treat lung cancer followed by chemotherapy or radiation. Surgery can be used if the cancer is benign. Surgery removes the cancer inside the patient. Although surgery is the most popular method, the chance of the doctor being able to remove all of the cancer is highly unlikely. Since the cells are so small and there are thousands of them it is very difficult to remove every one. When a patient uses surgery to treat the cancer, the cancer has a good chance it can come back, because it only takes a few bad cells to spread and create a tumor. One other treatment for lung cancer is radiation. Doctors can use radiation before surgery to shrink a tumor. AfterShow MoreRelatedEssay on Lung Cancer839 Words  | 4 Pagesresponsible for nearly one in five deaths in the United States. Lung Cancer mortality are about 23 times higher for current male smokers and 13 times higher for current female smokers compared to a lifelong never-smoker. In addition to being responsible for 87% of lung cancers, smoking is also associated with cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, pancreas, uterine cervix, kidney, and bladder. Smoking accounts for at least 29% of all cancer deaths, is a major cause of heart disease, and is associatedRead MoreLung Cancers And Its Effects1288 Words  | 6 PagesINTRODUCTION What are lung cancers? Lung cancers are the abnormal cells which grow in uncontrolled manner in one or both lungs. They do not function as normal lung cells and do not develop into healthy lung tissue. The abnormal cells can grow, form tumours and interfere with the normal functions of the lung (, 2015). Lung cancers can be divided into two major types, namely non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancers (SCLC). NSCLC can be further classified into threeRead MoreLung Cancer1304 Words  | 6 Pages LUNG CANCER Mohamed Almasmary Bio240 Anatomy Physiology 1 4/13/14 Lung cancer is a cancer (malignancy) that originates in the tissues of the lungs or the cells lining the airways. Lung cancer originates when normal lung cells become cancer cells, usually after a series of mutations, and begin to divide out of control. Lung Cancer is a disease which consists of uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissues. Lung cancer consists of two types, Non-small cell lung cancer, and small cell lung cancerRead MoreLung Cancer1571 Words  | 7 PagesLung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, according to the World Health Organisation. In the UK, it s the second most-frequently occurring cancer among men (after prostate cancer), accounting for 1 in 7 new cases, and the third most-frequently diagnosed cancer in women (after breast and bowel cancer) accounting for about 1 in 9 new cases. However, numbers have dropped considerably in recent times, by about 16% in the last decade alone. Dr Patrisha Macnair last medically reviewedRead MoreLung Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1315 Words  | 6 PagesLung cancer is the number one leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Lung cancer kills more people than any other cancer, such as; breast cancer, colon, prostate, or ovarian. There are two types of lung cancer, small cell lung cancer and non-small lung cancers. These two lung cancers grow and spread differently. Small cell lung cancer tends to spread quickly and makes up about 10-15 percent of the lung cancers. Non-small lung cancer is the most common type, it attributes to aboutRead MoreLung Cancer1476 Words  | 6 PagesThe Genetics of Lung Cancer Catherine Hayworth BIO 355A/357A June 14, 2012 Colorado Christian University Cancer can be one of the hardest battles that one must face, whether that battle is lost or won, it changes the lives of everyone involved. Lung cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers and it affects the lining of the lungs and the ability to breathe. Lung cancer is the number one killer of men and women than any other cancer worldwide. This cancer is mostly found in smokers andRead MoreLung Cancer930 Words  | 4 PagesLung Cancer Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, its deadly claws stretched over all continents in the world. However, lung cancer is not just a disease; it can act as a magnifying glass; many social problems and goodness of society can be revealed through the causes of lung cancer. Lung cancer is formed when the cells of the lungs grow in an uncontrolled way, this creates a lump or a tumor which can either be malignant or benign. Smoking and unhealthy diets are all causesRead MoreHealth Care For Lung Cancer1224 Words  | 5 Pages2012 there was in increase in lung cancer deaths by 3.5%, this percent is still rising in women while it’s stable in men (CDC, 2014). Nowadays, about 402,324 Americans have lung cancer. In 2014, the newly diagnosed lung cancer cases are 224,210, they represent 13% of all cancer diagnosis (ACS, 2014). Lung cancer affects old people and always they diagnosed in the last five years of their life. Around 80% of people who live with lung cancer their ages more than 60 years (USNIH, 2011). In KentuckyRead MoreCause And Effect Of Lung Cancer Essay1334 Words  | 6 Pages Lung cancer is one of the most lethal cancer known throughout the world. The most common suspect of that is smoking, then what happens to the people who inhales the smokers’ smoke? Are they also at risk for developing lung cancer from being a victim? The answer to that right now is that secondhand smoke alone is just a risk factor, there are no evidence right now that currently show that secondhand smoke alone can cause lung cancer by itself. This means that we need to encourage studies that areRead MoreCause And Effect Of Lung Cancer1612 Words  | 7 PagesIn addition, since emphysema is said to be one of the causes of lung cancer, it can be said that smoking is also related to lung cancer. As is well known, currently, there are no effective treatment for cancer. Smoking habit is the main cause of lung cancer. The probability of a smoker becoming lung cancer is said to be about ten times more than that of a non-smoker. Also, smoking hurts their own DNA, that is, the risk o f lung cancer extends to offspring. There may be people who think smoking cessation
Religion Pakistan Free Essays
string(166) " rule of various Islamic empires, including the Ghaznavids, the Ghurids, and the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals controlled the region of Pakistan from 1526 until 1739\." Religion is a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural agency, or human beings’ relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, spiritual, or divine. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life. They tend to derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle from their ideas about the cosmos and human nature. We will write a custom essay sample on Religion Pakistan or any similar topic only for you Order Now The word religion is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief system, but religion differs from private belief in that it has a public aspect. Most religions have organized behaviors, including congregations for prayer, priestly hierarchies, holy places, and/or scriptures. The development of religion has taken different forms in different cultures. Some religions place greater emphasis on belief, while others emphasize practice. Some religions focus on the subjective experience of the religious individual, while others consider the activities of the community to be most important. Some religions claim to be universal, believing their laws and cosmology to be binding for everyone, while others are intended to be practiced only by one, localized group. Religion often makes use of meditation, music and art. In many places it has been associated with public institutions such as education, the family, government, and political power. Types of Religions Religion defines who you are, what you are, and your views about the world around you. You must understand, a religion is much more than deity worshiping. Religion is the philosophy of life and a belief system. There are as many as four thousand and two religions in this world. Surprisingly, people know only a handful of religion. The four largest religious groups by population, estimated to account for between 5 and 6 billion people, are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Four largest religions| Adherents[citation needed]|  % of world population| Article| World population| 6. 8 billion| Figures taken from individual articles:| Christianity| 1. 9 billion – 2. 1 billion| 29% – 32%| Christianity by country| Islam| 1. 3 billion – 1. 57 billion| 19% – 21%| Islam by country| Buddhism| 500 million – 1. billion| 7% – 21%| Buddhism by country| Hinduism| 950 million – 1 billion| 14% – 20%| Hinduism by country| Total| 4. 65 billion – 6. 17 billion| 68. 38% – 90. 73%| | Christianity is one of the oldest religions of the world and has a large number of followers. It is estimated that Christianity has over two billion foll owers around the globe. Christianity practices a few beliefs and traditions of other religions. Like the Judaism and Islam, Christianity as a religion believes in the concept of one God. Hence, Islam, Judaism and Christianity are known as â€Å"ethical monotheism†. Judaism is older than Christianity and this religion is the oldest of Abrahamic religions. Judaism is based on laws and principles of the Hebrew bible known as Tanakh. The Old Testament of Bible describes the struggles of the Hebrews or the Jews. After Moses frees them from the Egyptian captivity, they wander for almost forty years before they reached Jerusalem, the â€Å"Promised Land†. Today there are 14 million Jews in the world. Islam has 1. 3 billion religious followers. It is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Followers of Islam religion worship Allah and consider Muhammad as their prophet. Like the Christians and the Jews, Muslims believe in one God. Hence, it is one of the three â€Å"monotheistic†religions of the world. Quran is their holy book and this religion follows strict religious discipline and customs. The life of a Muslim is guided by the Five Pillars or the five principles such as Shahadah (faith), Sala (ritual prayer), Zakah (alms tax), Sawm (Ramadan fasting) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). Islam is an Arabic term and means surrendering to the will of God. You could say Islam is a system of belief that gives importance to family life, way of dressing, cleanliness and ethics. It also stresses on the importance of religious rituals and observances. There are many religions that follow their own system of beliefs, rituals and traditions. These religions are classified as prophetic religion, revealed religion, sacramental and mystical religion. Hinduism is considered to be one of the most tolerant religions in the world. The ultimate aim of any Hindu is to attain moksha from the cycle of rebirth. Historians believe over the centuries Hinduism had adopted many spiritual traditions and practices, which are seen even today in the homes of many Hindus. It is not easy to generalize the beliefs of Hinduism because the practices vary widely among the believers of this religion. Religion in Pakistan The Badshahi Masjid in Lahore, Pakistan, was built during the Mughal Empire Islam is the state religion in Pakistan, which is practised by about 95-97% of the 174,578,558 people of the nation. The remaining 3-5% practice Christianity, Hinduism and other religions. Muslims are divided into two major sects, the majority of them practice Sunni Islam while the Shias are a minority who estimate 5-20% depending on the source. Nearly all Pakistani Sunni Muslims belong to the Hanafi Islamic law school. The majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims belong to the Twelver (Ithna Asharia) branch with significant minority groups who practice Ismailism, which is composed of Nizari (Aga Khanis), Mustaali, Dawoodi Bohra, Sulaymani, and others. The religion of Islam was first introduced in the territory that is now called Pakistan Umayyad dynasty in the early-8th century led by Muhammad bin Qasim against Raja Dahir, the Hindu ruler of Sindh. The Umayyad Muslims conquered the northwestern part of the Indus Valley, from Kashmir to the Arabian Sea. The arrival of the Arab Muslims to the provinces of Sindh and Punjab, along with subsequent Muslim dynasties, set the stage for the religious boundaries of South Asia that would lead to the development of the modern state of Pakistan in 1947 as well as forming the foundation for Islamic rule which quickly spread across much of South Asia. Following the rule of various Islamic empires, including the Ghaznavids, the Ghurids, and the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals controlled the region of Pakistan from 1526 until 1739. You read "Religion Pakistan" in category "Papers" Muslim technocrats, bureaucrats, soldiers, traders, scientists, architects, teachers, theologians and Sufis flocked from the rest of the Muslim world to the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal era. The Mughal Empire declined in the early 18th century after the Afsharids and the Afghan Durrani Empire from the west came to take over what is now Pakistan. Constitution of Pakistan on religion The constitution of Pakistan establishes Islam as the state religion, and provides all its citizens the right to profess, practice and propagate their religion subject to law, public order, and morality. The constitution limits the political rights of Pakistan’s non-Muslims, and only Muslims are allowed to become the President or the Prime Minister. Moreover, only Muslims are allowed to serve as judges in the Federal Shariat Court, which has the power to strike down any law deemed un-Islamic. List of religions in Pakistan Based on information collected from the Library of Congress, Pew Research Center, CIA World Factbook, Oxford University, University of Pennsylvania, U. S. State Department and others, the following is a list of all the religions that are practised in Pakistan. The percentages are estimations depending on the source. * Islam * Sunni Muslims: 80-95% * Shia Muslims: 5-20% * Ahmadi Muslims: approximately 2. 3% or 4 million * Other religions * Christians: approx. 1. 6% or 2,800,000 people * Hindus: approx. 1. 6%or 2,443,614 people * Baha’is: 79,000 * Sikhs: 20,000 * Zoroastrian/Parsis: 20,000 * Buddhist: Unknown * Jews: Unknown * | Islam The Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which is the largest mosque of Pakistan and is also one of the largest in the world, was built by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Islam is the state religion of Pakistan, and about 95-97% of Pakistanis are Muslims. The Muslims are divided into 2 sects, Sunni Islam and Shia Islam. The Shia Islam in Pakistan is practised by 5-20% of the Muslims and the remaining larger number of Muslims practice Sunni Islam. There are a number of Islamic law schools called Madhab (schools of jurisprudence), which are called fiqh or ‘Maktab-e-Fikr’ in Urdu. Nearly all Pakistani Sunni Muslims belong to the Hanafi Islamic school of thought while small number belong to the Hanbali school. The majority of Pakistani Shia Muslims belong to the Twelver (Ithna Asharia) branch, with significant minority who adhere to Ismailism branch that is composed of Nizari (Aga Khanis), Mustaali, Dawoodi Bohra, Sulaymani, and others. Islam to some extent syncretized with pre-Islamic influences, resulting in a religion with some traditions distinct from those of the Arab world. Two Sufis whose shrines receive much national attention are Ali Hajweri in Lahore (ca. 11th century) and Shahbaz Qalander in Sehwan, Sindh (ca. 12th century). Although members of Ahmadiyya (also derogatorily known as Qadiani) are considered to be Muslims, the government of Pakistan does not consider this group followers of Islam. The Pakistani parliament has declared Ahmadis to be non-Muslims. In 1974, the government of Pakistan amended its constitution to define a Muslim â€Å"as a person who believes in finality of Prophet Muhammad†. Ahmadis believe in Muhammad as the best and the last law bearing prophet and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Christ of Muslims who was prophesized to come in the latter days and unite the Muslims. Consequently they were declared non-Muslims by a tribunal, the records of which have not been released to date. In 1984, Ordinance XX was enacted, which made it a crime for Ahmadis to call themselves Muslims or adherents of Islam, to â€Å"pose as Muslims†, to call their places of worship Masjid, or to proselytize, punishable by a prison term. According to the last Pakistan census, Ahmadis made up 0. 25% of the population, which is highly disputed due to the already existing state treatment of Ahmadis in Pakistan. The website adherents. comcited a report according to which the Ahmadiyya Muslim community was represented by 2,000,000 (1. 42%) adherents in 1995. Several other news report however claim adherents amounting to about 4 million, which is difficult to verify. [edit] Christianity Main article: Christianity in Pakistan Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Karachi. Christians make up 1. 6% of Pakistan’s population, about 2. 8 million people out of a total population. [1] They are the second largest religious minority community in Pakistan. Majority of the Pakistani Christian communities belong to converts from the low caste Hindus from Punjab region, from the British colonial era. The community is geographically spread throughout the Punjab province, whilst its presence in the rest of the provinces is mostly confined to the urban centers. There is a Roman Catholic community in Karachi which was established by Goan and Tamilian migrants when Karachi’s infrastructure was being developed by the British during colonial administration between World War I and World War II. [edit] Judaism Main article: Jews and Judaism in Pakistan Jews (Urdu: pronounced â€Å"Yehudi†) are a very small religious group in Pakistan. Various estimates suggest that there were about 2,500 Jews living in Karachi at the beginning of the 20th century, and a smaller community of a few hundred lived in Peshawar. There were synagogues in both cities; while the Karachi synagogue was burnt down. [citation needed] The one in Peshawar still exists but has fallen into disuse. Nearly all Pakistani Jews have emigrated. [citation needed] [edit] Hinduism Main article: Hinduism in Pakistan Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Karachi Hinduism has an ancient history in Pakistan, the Rig Veda was believed to have been composed in the Punjab region. [citation needed] Hindus today are a much reduced community numbering around 3 million or about 1. 6%. [1] According to the last census 93% of Hindus live in Sindh, 5% in Punjab and nearly 2% in Balochistan. [citation needed] [edit] Sikhism Main article: Sikhism in Pakistan Nankana Sahib Gurdwara in Punjab, Pakistan The number of Sikhs remaining in Pakistan today is very small; estimates vary, but the number is thought to be on the order of 20,000. 7] The shrine of Guru Nanak Dev is located in Nankana Sahib near the city of Lahore where many Sikhs from abroad make pilgrimage to this and other shrines. [edit] Buddhism Main article: Buddhism in Pakistan Like Hinduism, Buddhism has an ancient history in Pakistan. There are no established Buddhist communities and numbers are very few. [edit] Zoroastrianism Further information: Parsi people Before the independence of Pakistan in 1947, major urban centres in what is now Pakistan were home to a thriving Parsi business community. Karachi had the most prominent population of Parsis in Pakistan and were mostly Gujarati-speaking. After independence, majority of Pakistan’s Parsi populace migrated to India, notably Bombay; however a number of Parsis still remain in Pakistan and have entered Pakistani public life as social workers, business folk, and diplomats. The most prominent Parsis of Pakistan today include Ardeshir Cowasjee, Byram Dinshawji Avari, Jamsheed Marker, as well as the late Minocher Bhandara. [edit] Baha’i Main article: Baha’i Faith in Pakistan The Baha’i Faith in Pakistan begins previous to its independence when it was part of India. The roots of the religion in the region go back to the first days of the Babi religion in 1844,[22] with Shaykh Sa’id Hindi who was from Multan. [23] During Baha’u’llah’s lifetime, as founder of the religion, he encouraged some of his followers to move to the area that is current-day Pakistan. [24] In 1921 the Baha’is of Karachi elected their first Baha’i Local Spiritual Assembly. [23] By 1956 Baha’i local assemblies spread across many cities,[25] and in 1957, East and West Pakistan elected a separate National Baha’i Assembly from India and later East Pakistan became Bangladesh with its own national assembly. 26] Waves of refugees arrived in 1979 due to the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan and the Iranian Revolution in Iran. [27][28] The Baha’is in Pakistan have the right to hold public meetings, establish academic centers, teach their faith, and elect their administrative councils. [29] However, the government prohib its Baha’is from travelling to Israel for Baha’i pilgrimage. [30] Recent estimates are over 79,000[18] though Baha’is claimed less than half that number. [31] [edit] Kalash Religion This is the religion of the Kalash people living in a remote part of Chitral. Adherents of the Kalash religion number around 3,000 and inhabit three remote valleys in Chitral; Bumboret, Rumbur and Birir. Their religion is unique but shares some common ground with Vedic and Pre-Zoroastrian religions. [edit] Atheism Main article: Atheism There may also be some atheists and agnostics in Pakistan, particularly in the affluent areas of the larger cities. Some were born in secular families while others in religious ones. According to the 1998 census, people who did not state their religion accounted for 0. 5% of the population, but social pressures against claiming no religion was strong. 7] There is slight of atheism in the country. Pakistan’s laws, which stipulate the death penalty for blaspheming, institutionalize such discrimination. Subsequently, most atheists and agnostics keep their views private and choose to portray themselves publicly as indifferent Muslims rather than non-Muslims. Islam in Pakistan From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: nav igation, search Islam in Pakistan Category| History| Islamic conquest  · Arab settlement Islamic rule  · Mughal Empire Hindu conversion  · Sectarian dispute| Architecture| Mughal  · Indo-Islamic  · Indo-Saracenic| Major figures| Mohammad bin Qasim  · Baba Fareed Khwaja Sheikh Pak  · Bulleh Shah Sir Syed Ahmed Khan  · Allama Iqbal Bahadur Yar Jung| Schools of law| Hanafi  · Shia  · Shafi`i  · Maliki  · Hanbali| Schools of thought| Shia  · Barelvi  · Deobandi  · Ahle Hadith Sufism  · Ahmadiyya| Mosques in Pakistan| List of Mosques -List of mosques in Lahore Faisal Mosque  · Badshahi Mosque| Political organisations and movements| Pakistan Muslim League Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam  · Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan  · Jamaat-e-Islami  · Tehrik-e-Jafaria Pakistan  · Jamiat Ahle Hadith  · Tablighi Jamaat| Culture| Music Qawwali  · Hamd  · Nasheed  · Naat  · Ghazal Literature Urdu  · Punjabi  · Pashto  · Sindhi| Other topics| Shi’a Islam in Pakistan Ahle Sunnat Movement in South Asia Indian Muslim nationalism (Pakistani) Muslim chronicles for Indian historyThis box: view †¢Ã‚ talk †¢Ã‚ edit| Part of a series on Islam by country| Islam in Africa[show] Algeria  · Angola  · Benin  · Botswana  · Burkina Faso  · Burundi  · Cameroon  · Cape Verde  · Central African Republic  · Chad  · Comoros  · Democratic Republic of the Congo  · Republic of the Congo  · Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)  · Djibouti  · Egypt  · Equatorial Guinea  · Eritrea  · Ethiopia  · Gabon  · The Gambia  · Ghana  · Guinea  · Guinea-Bissau  · Kenya  · Lesotho  · Liberia  · Libya  · Madagascar  · Malawi  · Mali  · Mauritania  · Mauritius  · Morocco  · Mozambique  · Namibia  · Niger  · Nigeria  · Rwanda  · Sao Tome and Principe  · Senegal  · Seychelles  · Sierra Leone  · Somalia  · South Africa  · Sudan  · Swaziland  · Tanzania  · Togo  · Tunisia  · Uganda  · Western Sahara (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)  · Zambia  · Zimbabwe| Islam in Asia[show] Central Asia Kazakhstan  · Kyrgyzstan  · Russia  · Tajikistan  · Turkmenistan  · USSR  · Uzbekistan East Asia China (Hong Kong  · Macau)  · Japan  · Korea (North Korea  · South Korea)  · Mongolia  · Taiwan South Asia Afghanistan  · Bangladesh  · Bhutan  · India  · Maldives  · Nepal  · Pakistan  · Sri Lanka Southeast Asia Brunei  · Burma  · Cambodia  · East Timor  · Indonesia  · Laos  · Malaysia  · Philippines  · Singapore  · Thailand  · Vietnam Western Asia Armenia  · Azerbaijan  · Bahrain  · Cyprus  · Georgia  · Iran  · Iraq  · Israel  · Jordan  · Kuwait  · Lebanon  · Oman  · Qatar  · Saudi Arabia  · Syria  · Turkey  · UAE  · Yemen| Islam in Europe[show] Western Europe Andorra  · Belgium  · France  · Ireland  · Italy  · Luxembourg  · Malta  · Monaco  · Netherlands  · Portugal  · San Marino  · Spain  · United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales) Scandinavia Denmark  · Iceland  · Finland  · Norway  · Sweden Central Europe Austria  · Croatia  · Czech Republic  · Germany  · Hungary  · Liechtenstein  · Poland  · Slovakia  · Slovenia  · Switzerland Eastern Europe Armenia  · Azerbaijan  · Belarus  · Estonia  · Georgia  · Kazakhstan  · Latvia  · Lithuania  · Moldova  · Russia  · Ukraine  · USSR Southeastern Europe Albania  · Bosnia  · Bulgaria  · Cyprus  · Greece  · Macedonia  · Montenegro  · Romania  · Serbia  · Turkey  ·| Islam in Americas[show] Northern America Canada  · Mexico  · United States  · Central America Belize  · Costa Rica  · El Salvador  · Guatemala  · Honduras  · Nicaragua  · Panama  · Southern America Argentina  · Bolivia  · Brazil  · Chile  · Colombia  · Dominica  · Ecuador  · Guyana  · Paraguay  · Peru  · Suriname  · Uruguay  · Venezuela Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda  · Bahamas  · Barbados  · Cuba  · Dominican Republic  · Grenada  · Haiti  · Jamaica  · Saint Kitts and Nevis  · Saint Lucia  · Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  · Trinidad and Tobago  ·| Islam in Oceania[show] Australia Australia  · Norfolk Island  · Christmas Island  · Cocos (Keeling) Islands Melanesia East Timor  · Fiji  · New Caledonia  · Papua New Guinea  · Solomon Islands  · Vanuatu Micronesia Guam  · Kiribati  · Marshall Islands  · Northern Mariana Islands  · Federated States of Micronesia  · Nauru  · Palau Polynesia American Samoa  · Cook Islands  · French Polynesia  · New Zealand  · Niue  · Pitcairn  · Samoa  · Tokelau  · Tonga  · Tuvalu  · Wallis and Futuna| This box: view †¢Ã‚ talk †¢Ã‚ edit| Islam is the official religion of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, which has a population of about 174,578,558. [1] The overwhelming majority (95-97%) of the Pakistani people are Muslims while the remaining 3-5% are Christian, Hindu, and others. [2][3] Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. Sunnis are the majority while the Shias make up between 10-20%[4][3][5][2] of the total Muslim population of the country. Pakistan has the second largest number of Shias after Iran, which numbers between 17 million to as high as 30 million according to Vali Nasr. [6] Contents[hide] * 1 Umayyad invasion of Sindh and the arrival of Islam * 2 Islam and the Pakistan Movement * 3 Politicized Islam * 4 Muslim sects in Pakistan * 5 Laws and customs * 6 Media and pilgrimages * 7 Islamic education * 8 See also * 9 Further reading * 10 References * 11 External links| [edit] Umayyad invasion of Sindh and the arrival of Islam Main article: Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent The Badshahi Masjid, literally the ‘Royal Mosque’, was built in 1674 by Aurangzeb. It is one of Lahore’s best known landmarks, and epitomizes the beauty and grandeur of the Mughal era. Islam arrived in the area now known as Pakistan in 711 CE, when the Umayyad dynasty sent a Muslim Arab army led by Muhammad bin Qasim against the ruler of Sindh, Raja Dahir, this was due to the fact that Raja Dahir had given refuge to numerous Zoroastrian Princes who had fled the Islamic conquest of Iran. Mohummad Bin Qasim’s army was defeated in his first thee attempts. The Muslim army conquered the northwestern part of Indus Valley from Kashmir to the Arabian Sea. The arrival of the Arab Muslims to the provinces of Sindh and Punjab, along with subsequent Muslim dynasties, set the stage for the religious boundaries of South Asia that would lead to the development of the modern state of Pakistan as well as forming the foundation for Islamic rule which quickly spread across much of South Asia. Following the rule of various Islamic empires, including the Ghaznavid Empire, the Ghorid kingdom, and the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughals controlled the region from 1526 until 1739. Muslim technocrats, bureaucrats, soldiers, traders, scientists, architects, teachers, theologians and Sufis flocked from the rest of the Muslim world to Islamic Sultanate and Mughal Empire in South Asia and in the land that became Pakistan. [edit] Islam and the Pakistan Movement The Muslim poet-philosopher Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal first proposed the idea of a Muslim state in northwestern South Asia in his address to the Muslim League at Allahabad in 1930. His proposal referred to the four provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, and the NorthWest Frontier  essentially what would became Pakistan. Iqbal’s idea gave concrete form to two distinct nations in the South Asia based on religion (Islam and Hinduism) and with different historical backgrounds, social customs, cultures, and social mores. Islam was thus the basis for the creation and the unification of a separate state. Allama Muhammad Iqbal in 1937, in a letter to Jinnah wrote, After a long and careful study of Islamic Law I have come to the conclusion that if this system of Law is properly understood and applied, at last the right to subsistence is secured to every body. But the enforcement and development of the Shariat of Islam is impossible in this country without a free Muslim state or states. This has been my honest conviction for many years and I still believe this to be the only way to solve the problem of bread for Muslims as well as to secure a peaceful India. [7] But just three days before the creation of Pakistan, Mohammad Ali Jinnah made a different commitment. A commitment to secularism in Pakistan. In his inaugural address he said, You will find that in the course of time Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State. This statement of Jinnah is an object of great controversy since then and this vision of a Pakistan in which Islamic law would not be applied, contrary to Iqbal’s perception, was questioned shortly after independence. [edit] Politicized Islam Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, which is the largest mosque of Pakistan and is also one of the largest in the world, was built by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. From the outset, politics and religion have been intertwined both conceptually and practically in Islam. Because Prophet Muhammad established a government in Medina, precedents of governance and taxation exist. Through the history of Islam, from the Ummayyad (661-750) and Abbasid empires (750-1258) to the Mughals (1526- 1858), Safavis (1501–1722) and the Ottomans (1300-1923), religion and statehood have been treated as one. Indeed, one of the beliefs of Islam is that the purpose of the state is to provide an environment where Muslims can properly practice their religion. If a leader fails in this, the people have a right to depose him. In March 1949, the first constituent assembly passed Objectives Resolution, which declared that the state of Pakistan will be submitted to the sovereignty of God. In 1950, thirty one Ulema passed a demand draft, called Twenty Two Points of Ulema. This drafted demanded preparation of constitution according to Objectives Resolution. It also demanded changes in the law according to Shariah. In 1977, the government of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto outlawed alcohol and drugs and changed the weekend from Sunday to Friday, but no substantive Islamic reform program was implemented prior to General Zia-ul-Haq’s Islamization program. Starting in February 1979, new penal measures based on Islamic principles of justice went into effect. These carried considerably greater implications for women than for men. A welfare and taxation system based on Zakat and a profit-and-loss banking system were also established in accordance with Islamic prohibitions against usury but were inadequate. edit] Muslim sects in Pakistan Further information: Sectarian violence in Pakistan and Shi’a Islam in Pakistan Data Durbar in Lahore, Pakistan is the tomb of Ali Hajweri, eleventh century Sufi. People come each year to pay their respects, to say prayers and worship. The large complex also includes Jamia Hajweri, or Hajweri Mosque. According to the CIA World Factbook and Oxford Centre for Is lamic Studies, 95-97% of the total population of Pakistan is Muslim. [3] The majority of the Pakistani Muslims are Sunnis, while Shias are estimated 10-20%. 8] [4] [3] [5] [2] The Muslims belong to different schools which are called Madhahib (singular: Madhhab) i. e. , schools of jurisprudence (also ‘Maktab-e-Fikr’ (School of Thought) in Urdu). The Hanafi school of Sunnis includes the Barelvi and Deobandi schools. Although the vast majority of Pakistani Shi’a Muslims belong to Ithna ‘ashariyah school, there are significant minorities: Nizari Ismailis (Agha Khanis) and the smaller Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra branches. The Salafi sect is represented by the Ahle Hadith movement in Pakistan. Many people on the Makran coast of Balochistan follow the Zikri sect of Islam. The two subsects of Sunni Hanafi school, Barelvis and Deobandis, have their own Masjids. The Shi’a Ithna ‘ashariyah school has its own Masjids commonly termed as Hussainias (Imambargahs). Mustaali Dawoodi Bohra and Sulaimani Bohra also have their own Masjids, while the Nizari Ismailis pray in Jama’at Khanas. The Ahmadiyya community, a minority group is also present. Ahmadis have been declared non-Muslims by the Government of Pakistan. In 1974, the government of Pakistan amended Constitution of Pakistan to define a Muslim â€Å"as a person who believes in finality of Prophet Muhammad†. [9] For this reason, Ahmadis are persecuted on behalf of their beliefs. Ahmadis believe in Muhammad as the best and the last law bearing prophet and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the Christ of Muslims who was prophesied to come in the latter days and unite the Muslims. Consequently they were declared non-Muslims by a tribunal, the records of which have not been released to date. According to the last Pakistan census, Ahmadis made up 0. 25% of the population. However the website adherents. com[10] proposes that the Ahmadiyya Muslim community made up 1. 42% of the population; which is likely to be a less biased source. The Economist puts the figure of Ahmadiyya adherents to 4 million. The Ahmadis claim their community is even larger. Sufism has a strong tradition in Pakistan. The Muslim Sufi missionaries played a pivotal role in converting the millions of native people to Islam. As in other areas where Sufis introduced it, Islam to some extent syncretized with pre-Islamic influences, resulting in a religion with some traditions distinct from those of the Arab world. The Naqshbandiya, Qadiriya, Chishtiya and Suhrawardiyya silsas have a a large following in Pakistan. Sufis whose shrines receive much national attention are Data Ganj Baksh (Ali Hajweri) in Lahore (ca. 11th century), Baha-ud-din Zakariya in Multan and Shahbaz Qalander in Sehwan (ca. 12th century) and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai in Bhit, Sindh and Rehman Baba in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. edit] Laws and customs There is no law in Pakistan enforcing hijab and wearing of Hijab by Pakistani women is fairly uncommon. However, the practice of wearing Hijab among younger women in urban centers is slowly growing due to media influence from the Middle East and Persian Gulf countries. The episodes of sectarian violence have significantly decreased in frequency over the years due to the conflictual engagement of the Islamic militant organizations with the state’s armed forces and intelligence agencies. [edit] Media and pilgrimages Media and pilgrimages has influenced Pakistani Muslims to learn more about Islam as a result the local heterodox beliefs and practices are being replaced with orthodox beliefs from Quran and Sunnah. The inexpensive travel, simpler visa rules and direct air travel to Saudi Arabia has resulted in large number Pakistani Muslims going to Medina and Mecca for Haj and Umrah. This has helped to increase Pan-Islamic identity of Pakistani Muslims. The Muslim print media has always existed in Pakistan which included newspapers, books and magazines. The Muslim satellite channels are widely available and are watched by Pakistani population. [edit] Islamic education The Study of Islam as a subject is compulsory for all Muslim students up to Matriculation or O’levels in all schools in Pakistan. Islamic education to the masses is also propagated mainly by Islamic schools and literature. Islamic schools (or Madrassas) mostly cater to the youth from impoverished social backgrounds and those learning to be Islamic clerics. More casual and even research oriented material is available in the form of books. While the most prominent of these schools are being monitored, the latter are being ‘moderated’ by both the government and some of the scholars, thereby also removing in the process the various material present in it that is used by Anti-Islam/Anti-Sunni writers. Oldest and universally accepted titles such as the Sahih Bukhari have been revised into ‘summarised’ editions and some of the old, complete titles, translated to Urdu, the national language, are not available for purchase now. These changes are also a herald to new outbreaks of religious controversy in the region. How to cite Religion Pakistan, Papers
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Organizational Behavior and Management
Introduction Directorial behaviour is the study that investigates the blow on persons and groups behaviour in companies undergoing change. This is very important because the resulting knowledge is used to improve the effectiveness of an organization during change (Martin, 2010). Organizational change on the other hand, is the modification in the ranks in an organization.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Organizational Behavior and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Change is inevitable since organizations operate on open systems which interacting with the dynamic external environment. In the following paragraphs, the themes and statements in the â€Å"Eight Stages†in Kotter’s book â€Å"Leading Change†will be compared and contrasted with specific concepts discussed in the Ivancevich textbook. Stage 1: Establishing a Sense of Urgency Kotter speculates that for change to occur, 7 6% of a company’s population needs to embrace change for it to happen. If the whole company is convinced about the need for change, the easier it will be to implement it (Kotter, 1996). One way of creating a sense of agency, is having an honest and convincing dialogues; especially on the market trends and competition activities. The big idea here is that if many employees are involved in the change, the urgency to implement will be fuelled by the employees themselves. Likewise, Ivancevich points out that motivating the employees is important to initiate change. This is because if some employees are motivated, they are bound to motivate their mates (Ivancevich, 2010). When employees talk about the impending change, they will be actually be promoting it. A proper channel should be chosen for communicating matters related to the impending change. This will make sure that all aspects of the change are understood and avoid the spread of wrong information in form of rumours. Wrong information has the potential of creating unrest and this should be avoided. Step Two: Unite a Powerful alliance In order to convince employees that change is crucial, a strong leadership and visible support from the directors should be established. A coalition of professionals from different disciplines should lead the change. Some of these leaders would be needed for their expertise, status and political influence (Kotter, 1996).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Once the leaders in the organization have been identified, they should be urged to be fully committed up to the emotional level. The coalition formed should then work as a team so as to balance out their weaknesses. This is very important since individuals from different disciplines are bound to disagree and have shortcomings. However, Ivancevich points out the need of recognizing the impact of an informal orga nization in implementing change. There is need to use informal leaders to help initiate change, since formal organizations are usually resistant to change. Communication is much widespread and free in an informal setting than in a formal one. This means that people will be aware of the change in a more casual way and easily adapt to it. Also, communication channels in a formal setting are slower and usually appear dictatorial. On the other hand, an informal way is more welcomed. Step Three: Create a Vision for Change The third step in effecting change, involves setting of a clear vision which can help everyone in the organization understand why and how the change is needed and implemented. The management must ensure that everybody in the organization understands everything regarding the impending change. People tend to accept directives as long as they understand them; therefore proper vision statement is vital for change (Kotter, 1996). In this step, the values that are vital to th e change are determined and a short summary that sets out the future of the organization is developed. Also, everyone in the organization should understand the methods needed to execute the vision created. Ivancevich supports this stage since he emphasizes on the need to have a clearly set vision, mission and plan for change to be successful. This is important as people work best when they know what is expected of them. Step Four: Converse the idea After the mission has been set, it needs to be spread in a very influential way. Since there are usually many messages communicated daily in an organization, the vision of the change has to be communicated in a way that is bound to leave an impact. Therefore, the change vision should be stated powerfully and frequently.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Organizational Behavior and Management specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It should also be embedded somewhere ever ybody in the corporation has a high chance of reading it (Kotter, 1996). During meetings, the change leaders should mention the vision or at any other suitable time. Additionally, the vision should be the basis of making the current decisions and solving the present problems. By keeping the vision fresh on everyone’s minds; it will be a reminder of how to proceed with the current duties. Most importantly, the leaders should be the role model when it comes to adopting change. Ivancevich addresses this issue on his theme of communication. Step Five: Removal of Resistance Kotter’s fifth step in organizational change, points out to the need to remove opposition to transformation. If most of the employees have already embraced change, the few resisting should be eliminated for change to proceed smoothly. It is important for the leaders to identify individuals who are embracing change and those who are not. Once they are identified, the leaders should do their best to convin ce them on the importance of change. If they are still resistance, they should be let go. Rewarding individuals embracing change can be used to encourage the resistant to follow suite. Ivancevich outlines reasons of resisting change: certain employees usually see a change as a form of the bosses to benefit themselves. Others resist simply because there are uncertainties surrounding the whole issue of change. Therefore, due to fear and selfishness, they oppose change. Ivancevich also recommends that the individuals resisting change to be enlightened on the benefits of the change. One of the differences between Ivancevich and Kotter is that Ivancevich recommends the use of force to ensure that change is implemented. Ivancevich therefore, partially supports this stage. However, both of them agree that resistance should be uprooted. Step Six: Create Short-term Wins Success is the best motivator, and therefore employees should be given a chance to celebrate every success in implementing change. Short-term goals in the change process should be set with the aim of achieving the greater change (Kotter, 1996). The goals that are reasonably achievable should be evaluated to see if everything is going according to the plan (Pitts, 2006).Advertising Looking for term paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For example, by observing sure-fire projects that will not receive any strong critics or expensive, leaders will be able to asses the success rate of the change. Also, they will be able to predict the speed of implementing rate and its efficiency in operation (Kotter, 1996). Finally they will be able to analyze the potential pros and cons of the intended change. If the early targets do not succeed, the entire change process can easily be shattered. In comparison, Ivancevich states that employees like being rewarded for work well done. This is achieved if targets are well set and rewards, either in verbal form or promotions, are given to those contributing to change (Martin, 2010). Step Seven: Capitalizing on the Change Kotter reasons that a lot of change programmes are unsuccessful because triumph is announced prematurely. Quick wins are only the beginning of what needs to be done, consequently, after every win, it is wise to analyze what went right and what can be worked on as far as the next set targets are concerned. To continue building on the momentum already achieved and to keep ideas fresh, new change agents and leaders in change coalition will be needed (Kotter, 1996). In support of this step, Ivancevich points to individuals who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility of managing change activities; they can be managers or employees. Step Eight: Attaching the Changes in the Company’s Traditions At last, to make any change solid, it should be a part of the company’s main business. Because company culture often dictates its activities, the values behind the change vision must be noticeable in the daily work. As a result, efforts to guarantee that the change is experienced in each and every aspect of the organization should be made. This is bound to bring about change in the company’s culture (Kotter, 1996). Ivancevich describes culture as the manner things are done around a certain society. Therefore if change is incorporated in the company culture, it is likely to stick and be accepted as a norm. References Ivancevich, K. (2010). Organizational Behaviour and Management. Boston: Harvard. Kotter, A. (1996). Leading Change. New York: Harvard Business School Publishing. Martin, J. (2010). Business and Economics. New York: Macmillan. Pitts, J. (2006). The Effects Of Managerial Communication and Justice Perceptions. Seattle: Yellowstone. This term paper on Organizational Behavior and Management was written and submitted by user Jovani S. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Practice The WritePass Journal
Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Practice Introduction Facilitating Learning And Assessment In Practice IntroductionNursing StandardsFacilitating Learning and AssessmentReflective CommentaryConclusionReferences AppendicesRelated Introduction I am a registered nurse based in a ward that manages spinal and orthopaedic conditions among patients. Currently, I am finalising my training as a qualified mentor. This paper presents a reflective account of my experiences in facilitating, teaching, and assessing student learning during their learning practice. It also highlights the learning outcomes drawn from the experience. Due to ethical considerations of any academic publication, which demands confidentiality, and anonymity of the persons that were actively involved in my encounter, this paper omitted names or used pseudonyms in the development of the account (Polit Beck, 2008). Practice-based learning provides the students with needed experience, which is an essential aspect of skill development that enhances their ability to effectively interact with clients as well as their families by developing the student’s communication, interpersonal, psychomotor, and technical skills (Myall et al., 2008). Practice-based learning is also an effective opportunity that allows the learners to link theory and practice, which are vital in the learner’s professional development (Zachary, 2011). Furthermore, practice-based learning is essential in a nursing career due to its vocational nature as well as its role in determining the learner’s clinical competency and hence protecting the public from instances of incompetency in nursing practice (NMC, 2008). Through demanding and instilling high standards of professionalism during assessments, practice-based learning makes sure that nursing students are able to effectively practice before they are registere d as nurses (Myall et al., 2008). This demonstration of my eligibility to assess and supervise nursing students in practice coupled with successful completion of this training will allow me to be an effective mentor in nursing (Price, 2007). Therefore, I will be able to actively participate in the development of future nurses that will meet the needs of patients, which are increasing in diversity and complexity (Polit Beck, 2008). Nursing Standards In order to promote adherence to specific attributes that support assessment and learning in practice, the nursing standards offers specific guidelines that must be met by teachers, practice teachers and mentors (NMC, 2008). Specifically, the fixed requirements cover standards, frameworks, and information on the approaches for assessment in nursing practice. There standards are defined by eight domains including: leadership, evidence-based practice, context of practice, creating a learning environment, learning evaluation, assessment and accountability, learning facilitation, and establishment of valuable working relationships (NMC, 2009). Linking these domains to my own practice, I hold high regard for leadership and formation of useful working relationships. Establishment of good working relationships is essential in nursing as a nurse works together with the patients family in ensuring the best nursing care is provided for the patient (Polit Beck, 2008; Appendix 1) enhancing the standards of care. Good working relationship is also important in minimizing the negative student experiences building on the student’s competency in practice (NMC, 2008). Consideration of the imperativeness of family-centred approach to nursing care and the promotion of good working relationships demands effective leadership. To be specific, leadership in my case involves influencing others, improving nursing care, and role modelling (NMC, 2009). This demands application of a situational approach to leadership when handling different leadership situations at work. In my work setting, leadership is broad ranging from handling the pat ient’s family issues, which requires participative leadership, or directing a practicing student, which demands assertiveness. However, it is imperative for a nurse to act in the best interest of the patient (Price, 2007) which can best be achieved through autocratic approach to leadership. Consequently, establishment of effective leadership and relationships require knowledge, skill, and experience and are vital in the provision of high-quality nursing care (Myall et al., 2008). There are several professional challenges that I encountered during the assessment which emanated from the complexities related to staffing levels and hastiness in the ward that negatively influence the quality of practice assessment (Polit Beck, 2008). The sustained pressure from clinical commitments and the limited time availability affects the process of student supervision and assessment during practice-based learning (NMC, 2009). More so, there may be inconsistency in achievement, which affects the process of student assessment with regard to their fitness to practice (NMC, 2008). In other cases, some students in practice-based learning do not conform to the existing support systems for instances of failure limiting their learning and effectiveness of the assessment. In addition, the supervisor may be reluctant to fail an incompetent learner due to perception that he process is too complex or general poor assessment, this also posed a challenge in my practice. The existing nursing standards that guide learning and assessment of students in practice offer frameworks for nursing mentors. However, the document is limited, as it does not consider all competence assessment aspects (Myall et al., 2008). Therefore, some forms of assessment are subjective as much as the framework for assessment is provided due to the intrinsic nature of the nursing profession and the variations in nursing skill-set to be assessed. It is challenging to establish a comprehensive assessment of competency especially due to learners’ spontaneous action to utilise their skills, knowledge, and attitude from an emotional intelligence perspective (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). These issues are enhanced in situations where a mentor fails to fail instances of incompetency among learners (Myall et al., 2008). These problems are resolved through the use of sign-off mentors that offer final evaluation of the students before being accredited to be effective to service as pro fessional nurses at the end of nursing training program (NMC, 2009). Consequently, more support to the nursing standards is needed to promote effectiveness of learning assessment for practice-based learning. This support is provided various nursing documents such as nursing guides, which offer strategies and support for practitioners in the nursing profession. Facilitating Learning and Assessment This is an important approach for assessing skills, knowledge and attitudes among nursing students (Price, 2007) and is complex in nature with the focus of promoting objectivity in the assessments (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). The ensure the diversity of the nursing settings are accommodated during the assessments, there are several assessment approaches that can be used in student mentorship programs including mini clinical assessment exercise, direct observation, case-based discussion, and mini peer assessments (Myall et al., 2008). Mini clinical assessment exercise offers an overview of student performance of key clinical skills. This assessment approach works both in routine patient encounter as well as ward environment. Direct observation of procedural skills involves observing a nursing student which conducting a clinical procedure where the observer provides necessary feedback at the end of the procedure. A good example of a clinical procedure that can be observed is preparation of a dressing trolley by a student. Case-based discussion, on the other hand, involves an interview aimed at exploring judgment and behaviour such as asking the student to list what he/she observed during a specific patient care program. Finally, mini peer assessments encompass a team of qualified professionals that offer feedback on the performance of an individual. The process of selecting the method of assessment should consider its cost effectiveness, educational impact, acceptability, validity, and reliability (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). Assessing a student’s craft knowledge helps the student to reflect and develop based on experiential learning (NMC, 2009). Effective assessment should focus on developing insights into a students craft and formal knowledge in order to understand the students ability to assess risks and utilise learned knowledge in meeting practice requirements (Price, 2007). There are four vital areas that cover student assessment, namely motivation, performance, skill, and knowledge. Even though continuous assessment is known to promote effective positioning of a student’s performance, it has limitations with regard to reliability and validity. Therefore, successful implementation of student assessment require coordination between service providers and educators to ensure the assessment approach is appropriate in terms of its summative and formative perspectives which are imperative in promoting a working linkage between theory and practice (Myall et al, 2008). Mentorship program in clinical setting is complex due to the pressure emanating from the need of sustained student assessment in front of the patients and their family as well as other professionals, which may raise anxiety among the students as well as assessors, which may negatively impact on the assessment process (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). Anxiety may be caused by a variety of reasons including curriculum changes, which may undermine the assessor’s competency, the student’s readin ess during assessment, and the assessors feeling of competency with regard to the assessment process. This portfolio outlines an assessment of the competency of a nursing student with regard to the appropriate use of pain assessment tools. I considered this to be vital in the profession of nursing due to the importance of pain assessment skills in nursing care as it is classified as the fifth vital sign in nursing (Murray et al., 2008). Considering the requirement that nursing students should actively participate in vital signs, developing this competency is vital for patient safety (Price, 2007). Further, I considered this assessment to be a direct observation of a procedural skill where I was available during the whole process while offering feedbacks and assessments on the process (NMC, 2009). To ensure the assessment was a success, I developed a plan that included a criterion for implementing the process as well as questions that were used for testing the levels of understanding exhibited by the learner. Furthermore, the assessment plan was developed with the consideration for th e student’s level of practical and theoretical learning (Myall et al., 2008). The questioned used in the assessment were open-ended to allow the student to offer the rationale behind their action path. This was important in developing deeper insight into the leaner’s competency, as well as promotes appreciation of diverse approaches to skills application (Murray et al., 2008). The assessment was initiated after ensuring the ward was quiet enough to minimise the effects of a noisy setting on the assessment program. The process commenced with an official introduction between me and the student as an approach to familiarization between me and the student to minimise instances of anxiety (Price, 2007). After that, I proceeded by informing the student my expectations, the timeline, and offered my reassurance that the process was not formal as I was just interested in observing the process and offering my feedback at the end of the process (Murray et al., 2008). As much as I managed to develop effective background information needed to establish an effective assessment void of anxiety, I did not inquire about the learner’s previous experience, which could have assisted in the assessment process. As much as I had previous encounter with the student, lack of enough background information hampered my effective participation in the growth of the student durin g the practice-based learning. Furthermore, I did not clearly identify the outcomes of the assessment at the beginning of the assessment. As much as appropriate information was provided and the environment was conducive, developing a summary of discussion could have enhanced the levels of student conceptualization of the expectations as well as minimize anxiety and confusion (NMC, 2009). When the student completed the first process, I asked the student several questions. These questions were established to evaluate the student’s communication skills, their understanding of the problem at hand, and general nursing skills (Murray et al., 2008). From the assessment, I observed that the student effectively communicated with the patient as well as the patient’s family a clear illustration of practical application of family-centred approach to nursing (Price, 2007). The student also effectively addressed the nursing situation at hand, as he utilised Wong-Baker pain rating to stabling the pain situation by the patient (Wong et al., 2001). After the student had gained an appropriate pain score, I asked the student a question regarding the appropriate frequency for observing pain, in which the response of the student was appropriate (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). From the case, it was evident that I had a problem with my communication skills as I had to repeat myse lf severally before the student could understand what I was addressing. Lowering my communication speed is necessary to enhance the student’s ability to comprehend the information given to them during assessment and minimise on instances where students are overwhelmed by information that is faster than their processing rates. I offered the student a feedback session with the aim of promoting proactive learning relation with the student (Murray et al., 2008). This feedback included active involvement of the student in the development of an action plan for dealing with the identified inconsistencies during the assessment. Considering that the student demonstrated competency in the skill that I was assessing, the action plan was centered on increasing the number of alternative approaches that can be used in applying the skill with the focus on increasing the student’s reflexive skill and hence a holistic competency (Zachary, 2011). The process of provision of the feedback considered developing a positive and constructive impact on the student to assist the student in building self-esteem, cultivating a positive working relationship as well as a supportive learning environment which are important aspects that reduces anxiety during nursing practice (Myall et al, 2008). Research has demonstrated that st udent-mentor relationship influences the student’s learning experience (Price, 2007) and therefore, effective communication between the mentor and the learner can illicit competency concerns at early stages to minimise instances of failure (Zachary, 2011). Even though the student and the mentor may feel sad due to a failed assessment, it is vital for the mentor to appreciate failure as avoiding to report of failure may have an adverse effect on the progression of the student (Bradshaw Merriman, 2008). This feedback was provided immediately after the assessment session as an approach to providing the student with prompt support and offer immediate corrective measure for any unpleasant conduct exhibited by the student during the session (Zachary, 2011). Based on the assessment and my individual reflections on the outcomes, I identified various areas of my practice that require improvement. Specifically, my feedback on the assessment was limited and did not offer the student a wider scope on improvement. Furthermore, my speaking speeds need to be slowed to ensure effective communication. I also need to focus on developing in-depth background information about the student before the assessment as well as offering the student the expected outcomes of the assessment. In addition, asking the patient about the service will also enhance the determination of the performance of the student as well as development of an effective feedback. Reflective Commentary Mentorship is an important leadership characteristic (Zachary, 2011). Transformational leadership is founded on the ability of an individual to influence others through affecting their thinking. Adoption of this approach of leadership in nursing promotes autonomy as well as enabling the students to realise their full potential. It is also central to encouraging the development of excellent Interprofessional rapport (Myall et al., 2008). By becoming a role model at work through formulating solutions to problems that exist within nursing mentorship, I will be able to benefit myself as well as the student. This influence can also be transferred to other situations in the nursing environment, which will culminate to a better outcome in my nursing practice (Price, 2007). Common obstacles to mentorship such as staffing issues, hectic hospital environment, and clinical commitments influence my ability to perform as a mentor and hence the development of an effective relation with the student is essential (Price, 2007; Appendix 2). Due to the hectic nature of the nursing environment it is challenging to get time for developing a written feedback for the student however to enhance by mentorship capability I need to establish relationship with other mentors that is founded on sharing evaluation feedback as an approach to building my scope with regard to student evaluation. Being able to share with other mentors about feedback can also expand my evaluation to the benefit of the student. As much as this approach is effective in enhancing a student mentorship program in hospital settings, it is challenging especially in cases where other mentors are not interested in sharing their experiences and work limiting its usability. Promoting teamwork in mentorship can be an effective approach to overcoming this obstacle. Dealing with the problem of anxiety requires innate understanding of the student, which implies discussing with the student the most appropriate way for implementing the assessment. This is effective as it encourages the student to be actively engaged in the assessment program and also creating a better relationship between the mentor and the student (Zachary, 2011). Conclusion The process of student assessment is only successful if it is administered objectively and fairly. As much as this approach may result to some emotional distresses by both the assessor and the student, it is imperative for the success of a mentorship program and prevention of negative implications on the student’s advancement. It is also necessary for ensuring approved nurses are competent enough to guarantee patient safety. Therefore, I am determined to ensure that students that I mentor, assess and approve and fit and competent to service as nurses in their respective fields. To achieve this, I will focus on developing a closer working relationship with the students to ensure all competency issues are identified and addressed timely. This is important in ensuring the students that I encounter do not face surprises later during their summative assessment or even when practicing as registered nurses. Furthermore, involvement of the patients and their families in the assessment of my students will be a major trademark of my mentorship and assessment program as I regard inputs by the patient vital to determining the competency of the student nurse. Consequently, as much as the practice of assessment and mentorship is challenging and compound in nature, I believe that effective application of relevant knowledge and skills while focusing on the expected outcomes, it is possible to deliver efficiently in this function. This reflection process has enriched my understanding on the concept of mentorship and its significance in the nursing profession. It has also enhanced my perception of the concept of professional and personal development. I believe that if I eliminate the few areas of weakness that I have identified in the reflection, I will be able to offer effective mentorship and assessment for nursing students in clinical practice. References Bradshaw, A., Merriman, C. (2008). ‘Nursing competence 10 years on: fit for practice and purpose yet?’ Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(10): 1263-1269. Murray, C., Grant, MJ., Howarth, ML., Leigh, J. (2008). ‘The use of simulation as a teaching and learning approach to support practice learning.’ Nurse Education in Practice, 8(1): 5-8. Myall, M., Levett†Jones, T., Lathlean, J. (2008). ‘Mentorship in contemporary practice: the experiences of nursing students and practice mentors.’ Journal of clinical nursing, 17(14): 1834-1842. Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC. (2009). Additional information to support implementation of NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice. London, UK : Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). Nursing and Midwifery Council, NMC. (2008). The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. Retrieved from Price B. (2007). ‘Practice-based assessment: strategies for mentors.’  Nursing Standard, 21 (36), pp. 49-56. Polit, DF., Beck, CT. (2008). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Zachary, LJ. (2011). The mentors guide: Facilitating effective learning relationships. New York, NY: John Wiley Sons. Appendices Appendix 1: Critical thinking competency standards Source:  Appendix 2: Essential competencies for an effective mentor
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Day of Infamy Speech Given by FDR After Pearl Harbor
Day of Infamy Speech Given by FDR After Pearl Harbor At 12:30 p.m. on December 8, 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt stood before Congress and gave what is now known as his Day of Infamy or Pearl Harbor speech. This speech was given only a day following the Empire of Japans strike on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii and the Japanese declaration of war on the United States and the British Empire. Roosevelts Declaration Against Japan The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii shocked almost everyone in the United States military and left Pearl Harbor vulnerable and unprepared. In his speech, Roosevelt declared that December 7, 1941, the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, would remain a date which will live in infamy. The word infamy derives from the root word fame, and translates roughly to fame gone bad. Infamy, in this case, also meant strong condemnation and public reproach due to the result of Japans conduct. The particular line on infamy from Roosevelt has become so famous that it is hard to believe the first draft had the phrase written as a date which will live in world history. The Beginning of World War II The nation was divided on entering the second war until the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. This had everyone united against the Empire of Japan in remembrance and support of Pearl Harbor. At the end of the speech, Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war against Japan and his request was granted that same day. Because Congress immediately declared war, the United States subsequently entered World War II officially. Official declarations of war must be done by Congress, who have the sole power to declare war and have done so on 11 total occasions since 1812. The last formal declaration of war was World War II. The text below is the speech as Roosevelt delivered it, which differs slightly from his final written draft. Full Text of FDRs Day of Infamy Speech Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, December 7th, 1941- a date which will live in infamy- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in the American island of Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to our Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. And while this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or of armed attack. It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace. The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu. Yesterday, the Japanese government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night, Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night, Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night, the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning, the Japanese attacked Midway Island. Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation. As commander in chief of the Army and Navy, I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. But always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might will win through to absolute victory. I believe that I interpret the will of the Congress and of the people when I assert that we will not only defend ourselves to the uttermost, but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. Hostilities exist. There is no blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in grave danger. With confidence in our armed forces, with the unbounding determination of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.
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