Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Concept Of Sustainable Development Essay - 1236 Words
The concept of sustainable development is not a very old one. Not much attention was drawn to sustainability when the society systems that we currently know were set. However, the states that some people started recognizing as undesirable outcomes such as environmental degradation, unfair systems, unequal wealth distribution to mentioned a few were the start of movements directed to incorporate environmental rights, fair accessibility and life security specially for the people living in Least Developed Countries LDC. I took this course as an elective because I am passionate about environmental issues. I was highly convinced that sustainable development was the creation of alternative choices for our current, massive environmental degradation. For me, it was only about the environment. Notwithstanding, through the course content that introduced me to the Rio Declaration on 1992. I became aware of the magnitude of sustainable development, specially the social and economic issues that are needed to be overcome in order to produce self-sustain models that protect vulnerable groups and correlate environment and economy in a harmonious manner. Most of the concepts discussed in the course were not new to me as I have studied human ecology and systems dynamics before. Although concepts were the same the circumstances of application change, human ecology involves a holistic understanding of personal human behaviors in the society whereas system dynamics provides tools to analyzeShow MoreRelatedThe Concept Of Sustainable Development Essay1654 Words  | 7 PagesThe concept of sustainable development is generally understood in two similar but differing perspectives. The first of these is the social-scientific definition explicated most frequently in relation to the 1987 report of the Brundtland commission.1 This report defines sustainable development as our â€Å"...ability to make development sustainableâ€â€to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs†2. The second perspectiveRead MoreThe Concept Of Sustainable Development1638 Wo rds  | 7 PagesThe concept of sustainable development has been at the centre of many big debates of late including world conferences on development and developmental planners. It is gaining impetus as people get more informed on the current effects of climate change and the looming devastating effects of the same on future generations increasing the unpredictability of the future. At the core of sustainable development is the fragile condition of balancing between protection as well as maintenance of the productivityRead MoreCritically Assess The Concept Of Sustainable Development Essay1661 Words  | 7 PagesCritically assess the concept of Sustainable Development The concept of sustainable development is generally understood in two similar but differing perspectives. The first of these is the social-scientific definition explicated most frequently in relation to the 1987 report of the Brundtland commission.1 This report defines sustainable development as our â€Å"...ability to make development sustainableâ€â€to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generationsRead MoreSustainable Development and Globalization Are Two Popular Concept with Respect to Present Context. Is Globalization Is a Threat for Sustainable Development ?1031 Words  | 5 PagesSustainable development is a pattern of resource use that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for future generations. [pic] A representation of sustainability showing how both economy and society are constrained by environmental limits [pic] Scheme of sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts â€Å"Let’s see the three overlapping circles: one representing environmental needs,Read MoreSustainable Development : The Definition Of Sustainable Development1432 Words  | 6 Pagesterm sustainable development has gained a lot of attention, however, it has since been overused to a point of saturation where it has lost the influence it previously elucidated and become a jargon for developers and slogan for environmentalists. What does sustainable development mean? For years scholars have tried to define and articulate the concept of sustainable development which has led it to become an oxymoron of sorts. Over a century before the use of phrase sustainable development cameRead MoreEnvironmental Management Systems And Principles1473 Words  | 6 Pageshave been incorporated by organizations and corporations since the introduction of these concepts. These provide the necessary guidance for companies to reduce their impacts on the environment. Environmental Management is not only being applied by the United States (US) regions, but along all countries within the world. Within few decades, other approaches such as social responsibility and sustainable development have arisen. According to ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility: Social responsibilityRead MoreSustainable Development1618 Words  | 7 PagesQ. Sustainable Development? Ans:. Sustainable development refers to a mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come. The term sustainable development was used by the Brundtland Commission which coined what has become the most often-quoted definition of sustainable development: development that meets the needs of the present withoutRead MoreClimate Change And Depletion Of Natural Resources1318 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowing concern of climate change and depletion of natural resources has meant an increase in popularity of the term ‘sustainable development’. With this growing popularity there has also been a rise in conflicting opinions on what sustainable development means and whether it is attainable, as even after the release of the Brundtland report which offered a definition of sustainable development there were still criticisms for it suggesting that ‘economic growth, industrial modernization and market imperativesRead MoreSustainable Development And Environmental Protection1577 Words  | 7 Pages Sustainable development that allows the present generation to meet our current needs, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In other words, sustainable development is a inseparable system of economic, social, resource and protection of environmental which not only can attain the objective of economic development, but also it can protect the natural resources of atmospheric, freshwater, marine and environment. It can make the future generations live and workRead MoreSustainable Education And Green Campus Design Creating A Marketing Value For The Universities1498 Words  | 6 PagesTOPIC: Sustainable Higher Education Development in Turkey through Participation-Empowerment of the Community and Green Campus Design Creating a Marketing Value for the Universities. Sub-topics: 1. Sustainable Architecture Definition 2. Sustainable Initiatives/Policies 3. Social Sustainability 4. Sustainable Architecture as Branding 6. Rethinking the Principles of Sustainable Higher Education 1. Sustainable Architecture Definition 1.1. Bruntland, Gro. Our common future: The world commission on
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Issue of Slavery in America - 1148 Words
The North and South -1820 to 1850 The period between 1820s to the 1850s and eve beyond was majorly dominated by the concern about the issue of slavery in America. This was the talk of the time with some advocating for the free will to do with the slaves as they wanted yet others advocating for the total ban on slavery as well as slave trade within the USA. It is worth noting that the North was more of an industrial region and yet he south was more of agricultural region. This was the economic status of these two regions and both needed labor to carry on with their economy. The difference came where the industrial North was ready to pay their employees for the labor they provided yet the South was not ready to pay for the labor that they were provided with in the farms. This meant therefore that they had to keep slaves who would work for them free of change (Ronald L.F. Davis, 2012). Due to the fact that the South owned slaves, they were vehemently opposed to the banning of the slavery. In the face of this massive call to end slave trade during the 1820s to 1850s the South wanted to be left with the right to chose what to do with their slaves. They also coined out some provisions like allowing the slaves to join fighting groups and enjoy some other additional rights. On the other hand, the North was realy for the banning of slavery. As a matter of fact, the northern states had abolished slave trade as early as 1830s and it is with the realization if the gross crueltyShow MoreRelatedSlavery in America941 Words  | 4 PagesSlavery in America Does anyone know who really started slavery? Slavery first took place in North America, 1619 at a British colony of Jamestown Virginia†(Boles, John). This caused slavery to spread throughout the American colonies. Slavery had a huge impact on America and still does till this day. Slavery was nothing new when it came to America. It’s been going on since before the 1400’s.†Slavery had existed in Europe from classical times and did not disappear with the collapse of the Roman Empire†Read MoreSlavery Issues Of Slavery Between North And South848 Words  | 4 PagesSlavery Issues The issues of slavery between North and South was indirectly the cause of the beginning of civil war. Since the North changed their minds about the black population, they had a difficult time with the South, with they believe that Africans had to serve white people. So the problem between the North and South wasn’t something new, it was happening since the government was trying to prevent spread out of the slavery across America, as a result, South started to create, manipulate, andRead MoreEarly History Of America By Robert Lloyd Garrison And The Struggle Against Slavery998 Words  | 4 PagesEarly History of America It draws the global attention to the extend and the achievements of America concerning the major issues of development. However, it must be noted that the history of achievement takes its form of complexity that features the details and characters involved in the immediate past, as well as the ones who determined the current status of America. In the process, major issues like slavery, revolution and settlement served as major drawbacks that hampered development within theRead MoreThe Abolishment of Slavery Essay934 Words  | 4 PagesAbolishment of Slavery Slavery was caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. The head right system was to give the indentured servant, a method of becoming independent after a number of years of service. Slavery was caused by economic reasons. Colonists chiefly relied on Indentured Servitude, in order to facilitate their need for labor. The decreasing p opulation combined with a need for a labor forceRead MoreThe End Of Chattel Slavery Essay1648 Words  | 7 PagesLooking back in history, you will find that slavery was always present. There are accounts of slavery in Babylon, Greece, and Rome, all occurring before the Common Era; but there was a major change during the year 1619 in the way slavery was implemented. This form of slavery was known as chattel slavery. Defined as â€Å"A civil relationship in which one person has absolute power over the life, fortune, and liberty of another†(Legal-dictionary.com), chattel slavery targeted African slaves that were broughtRead MoreEssay on Slavery Is The South682 Words  | 3 Pages Slavery is the South Essay #3 Slavery played a dominating and critical role in much of Southern life. In the struggle for control in America, slavery was the South’s stronghold and the hidden motive behind many political actions and economic statistics. By dominating Southern life, slavery also dominated the economic and political aspects of life in the South from 1840 to 1860. By the 1840’s and 50’s the Southern economy had almost completely become slave and cash crop agriculture based. WithoutRead MoreCivil War the Great Divide814 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Divide The issue of slavery was discussed in many ways. People talked about the morality of the institution (or lack thereof), the economics of slavery, and the political issues that came about because of it. No matter how it was discussed, the North and South could not agree. Northerners thought Southerners were corrupting the soul of America, and Southerners thought Northerners were hypocrites. No matter which way they looked at slavery, the North and South had two antitheticalRead MoreThe Expansion Of The New Nation1477 Words  | 6 Pages In the later half of nineteenth century America, the new nation’s original ability to resolve conflict through means of peaceful compromise had vanished. Various spans of conflict such as Westward Expansion, the Market Revolution, Sectionalism, Mexican American War, the succession of the southern states and ultimately the failure of the Compromise of 1850 that made compromise between the North and the South unattainable. It was the uncompromising differences amongst the free and slave states overRead More History of The American Civil War Essay1540 Words  | 7 Pages The Civil War was a brutal war between the North and South of America over the issue of slavery, which was spurred on by the secession of the southern states from the Union of a America. At the time slavery was one of the main issues in America that caused a disagreement between the north and south and these disagreements about humanity and slaves added to the tension that would finally lead to the out break of war. Slavery was almost totally abolished in the northern states after 1787 whenRead MoreThe Views On Lincoln s Presidency1738 Words  | 7 Pagesseveral historians’ texts regarding Lincoln’s opinions and policies toward slavery, and the unification of a nation as a whole, I distinguished that several authors have contending visions of Lincoln’s actions during his presidency. Some authors (Dirck, Guelzo, Striner) portray Lincoln as the great emancipator in depicting him as a crusader whose main purpose during the Civil War was only to accomplish the abolishment of slavery. In contrast, some authors (Escott, Gates, Foner, and McPherson) maintain
Saturday, December 14, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird Character Analysis Free Essays
â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird,†Arthur Raddled is thought to be a cruel and evil person; in reality, he is actually a very kind and generous person. His kindness is evident during the fire at Miss Muddies home. â€Å"Boo Raddled. We will write a custom essay sample on To Kill a Mocking Bird Character Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you. †(Attic’s 96). This dialogue shows that Arthur Raddled is actually a very kind, caring person; he realized hat Scout was cold and he put his own blanket around her to keep her warm. He generously gave Scout the blanket, knowing she was cold and showing sympathy for Scout, who has even mocked Boo with Gem. This generous nature Arthur Ready Dollops Raymond is also another person who appears to be drunk and is disliked by the community, although in reality all he is drinking from his sack is coca-cola; he is actually a very gentle person, which is evident when he tells Scout, â€Å"l try to give ‘me a reason, you see? Dollops Raymond realizes that the community dislikes and shuns mixed race families, so he fakes being drunk to give Macomb a reason for him marrying a black woman. He realizes that people would be more uncomfortable around him if they thought he was a N-lover, and instead makes them believe he Is married too black woman because he Is drunk. His reason for ‘drinking’ shows that he is gentle with the public, so they aren’t as uncomfortable with his family as they would be if he wasn’t ‘drinking. How to cite To Kill a Mocking Bird Character Analysis, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
The Purple Rose of Cairo free essay sample
Film has captured and enchanted audiences since its origination with the Lumiere Brothers; and, as it developed, it began to be used to convey messages and ideas. Film started to become a creative outlet that then turned to a catalyst of philosophical thought. Film theorist Sergei Einstein expressed that film â€Å"as a work of art, understood dynamically, is just the process of arranging images in the feelings and mind of the spectator†. Thus, directors began to realize that audience manipulation was possible through the images and sounds they delivered, as well as through the way these images and sounds were presented it all has an effect of how viewers thought of and interpreted the films. This is especially clear in the German film, Triumph of Will, directed by Leni Reifenstahl. While the film is brilliantly made, with moving cameras, the utilization of long focus lenses, aerial photography, and a revolutionary approach to musical accompaniment, the film was also incredibly propagandistic and manipulative at the time of it’s release. We will write a custom essay sample on The Purple Rose of Cairo or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The entire film is a vehicle to promote the ideologies of Hitler; beginning with Germany’s near-destruction in World War I and depicting Hitler as a messiah, descending from the skies to greet his vehement followers. In the opening minutes of the film, there are close-up and over-the-shoulder shots of Hitler, making him seem rather personable, adored, and somewhat noble. There are also shots of children approaching him, showing that the ideas of innocence and purity are to be seen as parallel to the views and goals Hitler himself. Aesthetically, the entire film is superbly done, and politically its manipulative powers are astonishing. By showing Germany as unified under the divine rule of Hitler, it brought the nation together and created one of the most destructive and powerful nations in the 1940s. While film can be used as propaganda, like in Nazi Germany, it can also be used to provoke thought, rather than control it, manipulate it, or deceive it. In Woody Allen’s film The Purple Rose of Cairo, the audience is pushed to move beyond the appearance of things and consider other worlds, other perspectives. For the heroine, Cecilia, film is an escape and an impossible inspiration. According to the fictitious movie (The Purple Rose of Cairo), the purple rose itself is supposed to grow in a pharaoh’s tomb the expression of a perfect love. However, no flower can grow without light making it an impossible inspiration. According to Plato, and to partially to Allen, our relationship with truth is rather grim. When we attend movies we are much like Plato’s captives, chained facing a cave wall, only seeing a world of shadows our reality is suspended. But another point is made; although we can be deceived by shadows, we are also capable of understanding and questioning anything, shadows included. Yes, film is an escape from reality and the idea of being able to truly escape a somewhat horrid life is unimaginably wonderful, but thats just it it is an idea. Change has to be brought on by oneself, not an unreliable outside source, and perfection is an illusion. I as a viewer absolutely love how Allen presents these ideologies in The Purple Rose of Cairo. He gives it an unconventional point of view, setting up a series of contrasts between perfection and imperfection, reality and illusion, loving someone and being in love with someone, that forces us to think about film as well as the actual content of the film. And this all ties back to Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†; our life is veiled and we must aspire to leave and become less dependent on the shadow world. What is interesting is that, in the film, Allen makes the audience unsure of which world is the shadow world and which is the illusion. The perfect world becomes the film world and the false one is the desired reality. As entertainment, the film is great a nonsensical romantic comedy with a less-than-happy ending; but philosophically it goes much deeper than that, provoking audiences to think about reality and the importance of imperfection. While on the subject of imperfection, a third film demands some attention. Alejandro Amenabar’s The Sea Inside presents a whole new perspective on what perfection in life is. Many people see suicide as a selfish act removing yourself from the lives of your loved ones far earlier than they would have liked. However, the question of who is more selfish is posed. Is it the people who remove themselves when they feel no more connection to life; or the people who expect those who want to leave to stay, regardless of their misery or feelings of lacking true connection to the vibrancy of life? Thus are the questions presented to audiences upon viewing this film. In my mind, everyone should have the freedom to choose the life they want to live, or not live; and to choose what meaning they take out of said life. In Clendine’s â€Å"The Good Short Life†, it is said that we speak of living life, but never of death. That â€Å"we act as if facing death weren’t one of life’s greatest, most absorbing thrills and challenges†and that being incoherent and immobile until one only sees friends and family as â€Å"a passing cloud†. Both Clendine and Ramon didn’t want to put their loved ones through that, and taking one’s life seemed to be the best solution. Both were â€Å"vital to the end, and knew when to leave†. In my opinion, if someone has legitimate, justifiable reasons to want to leave this earth (such as a degenerative disease), that they have a right to do so. And if they cannot on their own accord due to that degenerative disease, I think that others (physicians, family members, friends) should be legally permitted to assist them. They shouldn’t be obligated to assist, but if they give consent and are willing to aid, I think they should be permitted. Mark from Breathing Lessons and Ramon were also similar on a few levels, but Mark had more hope and determination to live with dignity. Unlike Ramon who saw his life as undignified, Mark viewed it more as excessively challenging. Mark still desired life though considered suicide, but â€Å"chickened out†showing that he did truly still want to live. Ramon, however, was lost in his melancholy and nostalgia for the past, choosing to disregard the possibilities the future could bring. I think that it is a personal choice and that each individual should be given the liberty of making that choice. The phrase â€Å"dying with dignity†always reminds me of greek mythology when humiliated warriors would throw themselves on their swords for an honorable death, rather than live life in humility. I think Ramon saw his life as more humiliating and therefore wanted to throw himself on his sword, so to speak. With this, I think that the US should have a â€Å"death with dignity†law. Everyone has a right to life, as well as a right to death. Film is one of the most influential and powerful media. It’s capabilities to provoke, cultivate, and manipulate audience thought is incredible and worth studying. The innovations that film itself has gone through the amount of genres it contains, special effects, and advancements in sound all contribute to film as a whole, and all contribute to the beauty of how film is created and suspends the reality of viewers if only for an hour or two.
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