Monday, September 30, 2019
Halo and Devil Affect
Halo and Devil Effect Paper We live day to day knowing we live in a superficial society, from the way we look and dress and up to the way we present ourselves; we are always being judged in some form or fashion. Whether this is how you are treated by your social circle or in your employment seeking experience, its pretty sad that physical appearance can have and effect on so many things including the hiring process.In this essay I will be discussing two key concepts that are directly related to workplace discrimination based off of a persons physical appearance and characteristics. In the process of this I will view the film â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada†and discuss two scenes that illustrate my findings. The halo effect is the overall tendency to judge someone and favor him or her based on the bias of his or her positive characteristics or physical appearance without knowing the overall full package.The opposite affect of this concept is called the devil effect which is the te ndency to judge someone who could potentially have all of the qualifications for a position but wont be hired based off of his or her negative characteristics or physical appearance. While reading the article â€Å"Why looks are the last bastion of discrimination†this article definitely highlights on the halo and devil effect and discussed how weight came into play when determined if the interviewee should be hired or not.The job title was a school bus driver and it was determined without any concrete evidence that she could not evacuate a school bus in the event of an emergency situation, I find this completely bias on the companies behalf. Personally being a passenger on a school bus for many years during grade school, many of the school bus drivers where obese and not in the best of shape but, when any emergency situation arose mainly on and emergency school bus drills, they where able to perform the task of evacuating the bus in a safe and timely manner.This article also highlights other aspects of a study and how looks can play a major role in how people perceive a good looking or attractive person being viewed as intelligent, good and likable. Documented in this study obese individuals were rated to have a disadvantage in work, school and more. Among other findings in years of research, people who where unattractive where less likely to be hired and promoted and had lower salaries, even in fields where looks were not even of relevance. Another aspect of physical ttractiveness bias in hiring comes from the article â€Å"beauty is beastly†. There has been evidence suggesting that jobs traditionally filled my men, the opposite of the traditional bias happens to female applicants, attractive females are evaluated less favorably than unattractive females. This suggests that a more rugged female possibly comes across as being manlier or tomboyish making her easy to relate to traditional male positions such as a construction worker, firefighter, mechanic etc.I chose to watch the film â€Å"The devil wears prada†there was an obvious halo affect that was present; the job title was a personal assistant at Runway which is a very popular fashion magazine. When the applicant went into the office for her interview she was basically judged based on her since of fashion on weather she had the abilities to do that particular job even though she was college educated and had the qualifications to perform this job.I think the only reason why she was called back in and hired was because she asserted herself after the interview stating that she was not skinny, glamorous ect, but she was smart and a fast learner which are the important things. We know when going to an interview that we should dress in casual or business attire but you shouldn’t have to be dressed like a supermodel in order to get any job unless you are actually the model.The devil effect was depicted in this film when Andrea was out with a new found friend o ne night and he learned that she was working as Miranda Priestley’s assistant, he comment that she would never survive Miranda because she seems nice and smart and that she couldn’t do that job. I think many people think that’s just because someone comes off as being nice or relaxed cant handle aggressive or mean people but this definitely isn’t always true but with her being smart and educated can sometimes deem you over qualified for positions and not work in your favor but in this situation it was not the case.My personal connection to the halo effect was while in the military, being in the military you learn from basic training that looking sharp in your uniform can show how much pride you have in the service. There are also many awards that you can obtain depending on how sharp your uniform looks, how well you perform your job duties and on up to having outstanding military bearing. In order to win awards you have to compete with a number of your pee rs and who ever has the most recognition win.I had been nominated for several awards while in the military and most of the time I won because they always told me I was always sharp with my uniform pressed and creased and always respectful. The halo and devil effect is constantly seen in our society, this will be an on going issue that will probably never change because we live with a judgmental state of mind that constantly makes snap judgments on individuals, so the next time you are in a situation remember try not to judge someone based on there positive or negative characteristics try getting to know them first.
Marketing 300 Notes Essay
In the Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas uses the philosophical method to theology and addresses the question of whether God’s existence can be demonstrated as well as the question of whether we can know God completely. For Aquinas, the question of proving the existence of God is always bound up with the question of how, and to what extent, we can know God at all. St. Thomas Aquinas believes that yes, God’s existence can be demonstrated but that no we cannot know God completely. St. Thomas believes that God’s existence can in fact be demonstrated and that it can be done so in two ways. â€Å"One is through the cause, and is called â€Å"a priori†, and this is to argue from what is prior absolutely. The other is through the effect, and is called a demonstration â€Å"a posteriori†; this is to argue from what is prior relatively only to us†(Aquinas 15). In other words, to demonstrate that God exists is done in a cause and effect manner. For the question as to whether or not we can know God completely, St. Thomas answers that no, we cannot know God completely. According to St. Thomas one can know the essence of God, but to completely know God would be impossible. The differences between these two questions are that the question as to whether or not God’s existence can be demonstrated addresses God’s existence whereas the question on whether or not we can know God completely does not question God’s existence, just the amount of knowledge one can have on God. St. Thomas Aquinas proposed five proofs in which humans can use natural reason to prove the existence of God through extrinsic evidence. Through the use of natural reason we can logically conclude in the existence of God. Yet strictly speaking, God’s existence cannot be definitively proven through laboratory tests and experimental science. Experimental science and intrinsic evidence cannot definitively prove historical events, and yet by reason we know they have occurred. And surely were science falters and extrinsic evidence fail, reason and intrinsic evidence can prove the spiritual which cannot be measured by material sciences. The first way begins observing the movement all over the world and ends up asserting the existence of God as Immovable Motor; the second way observes the existence of causes in the world and concludes the existence of an ultimate Cause. The Third Way emphasizes one of the most important features of all finite objects, the radical insufficiency of their being, their contingency: the beings of the world exist but they could equally not exist, they have specific features which they could equally not have. If they do exist but could not then we can think of a time in which they didn’t; and if they were the only beings of the world, then nothing would have existed. As this is obviously not the case, then we should conclude that along with those contingent beings there must exist a necessary being, a being which has its origin in itself instead of in another being, and that being is God. St. Thomas states, â€Å"Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, put in motion by no other; and this everyone understands to be God†(Aquinas 16). In the next paragraph Aquinas says, â€Å"Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God†(Aquinas 17). Clearly, St. Thomas Aquinas is making his point that God is the source of everything. Since God is the cause we see the effects. The effects had to have come from a cause, which is God, and therefore God must exist. St. Thomas Aquinas starts off his discussion on whether or not one can know God by discussing the senses and their role in how humans know things. â€Å"Our natural knowledge begins from sense. Hence our natural knowledge can go as far as it can be led by sensible things†(Aquinas 86). St. Thomas states, â€Å"It is impossible for God to be seen by the sense of sight, or by any other sense, or faculty of the sensitive power†(Aquinas 74). What this passage is saying is that we cannot see God and because we cannot see God, it is impossible for us to know him. As humans we can know human beings because we can see them physically, however we cannot do this with God. Aquinas says, â€Å"when any created intellect sees the essence of God, the essence of God itself becomes the intelligible form on the intellect†(Aquinas 77) and this means that for what we can see with our human eyes that is what is going to portray to us what God is like. This means that we cannot fully know God and that we can only know of him or about him. God is an infinite being and we are finite beings which mean that we can only contain so much knowledge within us. Due to the fact that we are limited with our knowledge, it is impossible for humans to ever be able to fully encompass and know God because there is too much to know about Him. God is infinite, he has always been and humans cannot understand this because there is nothing else that we know of that has forever been and always will be. For these reasons, St. Aquinas believes that humans will never be able to fully know God like how they know one another. One can also compare these two questions not just by what they are based on (existence and knowledge) but also by looking at the differences between faith and knowledge. As stated previously when discussing whether or not we can know God completely, the basis of knowledge is derived from the senses. Knowledge has factual evidence from the world around you and has to do with reason and science. â€Å"We have a more perfect knowledge of God by grace than by natural reason†¦the knowledge which we have by natural reason contains two things: images derived from the sensible objects; and the natural intelligible light, enabling us to abstract from them intelligible conceptions. Now in both of these, human knowledge is assisted by the revelation of grace. For the intellect’s natural light is strengthened by the infusion of gratuitous light†(Aquinas__). On the other hand, Faith (or a belief) in something you take without question or evidence. An example of this is if someone is inside of a building and cannot see outside and someone comes in from being outside and tells the person that it is raining. Since the person inside has no way of knowing that it is raining outside since they cannot see or hear it, then they must believe the person telling them that it is raining. â€Å"Faith does not involve a search by natural reason to prove what is believed. But it does involve a form of inquiry unto things by which a person is led to belief, e. g. whether they are spoken by God and confirmed by miracles†(Aquinas__). Teachings by St. Augustine and Pseudo-Dionysius agree with the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas about knowing God. All of them agree that it impossible to be able to fully and completely know God. Alternatively, the three of them believe that one can only know about and of God; knowing only the different aspects of God. Dionysius describes God as â€Å"wholly unknowable†and has as â€Å"incomprehensible presence†(Pseudo Dionysius 119) which is him saying that God cannot be understood completely. Dionysius also says that God is made up of infinite characteristics, which Dionysius combines to call the â€Å"Godlike oneness†(Pseudo Dionysius 36). He says that one can better know God through knowing that he has characteristics such as â€Å"good†, â€Å"fair†, and â€Å"existent†(Pseudo Dionysius 39-40) but that he is so much more than just these. This relates to St. Thomas Aquinas’ thoughts that through our senses, we can come to know more about God because of what he created, but it is still impossible to completely know God. Similarly with St. Augustine, he states that God is â€Å"high above all, uncontainable and immeasurable†(Augustine 32) which means that God is beyond our reach. Due to the face that we cannot see God, then it is impossible for us to know him fully. St. Augustine also states that God is â€Å"incorruptible, inviolable, and unchangeable’ (Augustine 90). The meaning of this passage states that God is perfect. If he were to be changed, he would no longer be perfect. This is a concept that humans cannot comprehend because humans are not perfect and perfection is an abstract thought. They can have an idea as to what perfection is, but it is impossible to fully understand. In conclusion, knowing that God exists and knowing God are two completely different questions. St. Thomas Aquinas states that one can know that God exists and that it can be proven philosophically through the effects. On the other hand he also states that one cannot know God, only aspects of Him. These two questions correlate with the different of faith and knowledge. Faith is associated with the question of knowing God (cannot be proven) and knowledge is associated with the question of knowing that God exists (can be proven philosophically). St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine and Pseudo Dionysius all state that it is impossible to fully know God. They all agree on the fact that it is possible to know aspects of God and know partially who he is through using our senses, yet God is still seen to be infinite so it is impossible for our human minds to fully comprehend God.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Environment: Pollution and Human Impact Essay
Every living thing has an impact on its environment. Therefore a human impact on the environment is inevitable. By simply existing, all species – including ourselves – will imprint their mark on the world around them. What differentiates us from other species is our ability to greatly overburden our environment with very few limits. The information regarding our human impact is vast and impossible to cover in one article but I will attempt to cover a basic overview. For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature. Now we’re beating it to death. ~ Tom McMillan Water Pollution Perhaps the most obvious examples of a negative human impact on the environment is water pollution. It’s obvious we need water to survive but few people realize how much we need and just how much is available. Consider these facts from the United Nations Environment Programme: * Of all the water on Earth, only 2.5% of it is freshwater. * Of that 2.5%, less than 1% is available to us. * Humans each require up to 13 gallons (50 litres) a day of fresh water for drinking, cooking and cleaning. This does NOT take into account the countless gallons of water needed to grow food or care for animals. * 70% of all freshwater usage goes to irrigation. According to Organic Farming Research Foundation, only 2% of farms are organic. This means almost 69% of our freshwater supply is being contaminated by chemical pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers, while also compounded with fossil fuels and emissions from heavy farming machinery. These chemical compounds contribute to acid rain. Since very little can live in an acidic environment, acid rain has harmful effects on plants, animals, and aquatic life, as well as humans and even buildings, statues or other objects. Acid rain also contaminates our limited freshwater supply, and thus the cycle of water pollution continues. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 45% of assessed stream miles, 47% of assessed lake acres, and 32% of assessed bay and estuarine square miles were not clean enough to support uses such as swimming or fishing. The following reasons and possible sources for this include: Photo Source: Alan Liefting| * Sediments, pathogens and habitat alterations from agricultural activity and hydrologic modifications (such as dams) * Excessive nutrients, metals and organic enrichment from agricultural activity and atmospheric deposition (the movement of pollutants from one environment to another, such as from water to air) * Heavy metals (primarily mercury), excess nutrients and â€Å"organic enrichment†from industrial and municipal discharges (â€Å"treated†or untreated waste water released from sewer plants and industrial factories into natural water sources) These points listed above lead to a poisoned and uninhabitable environment for plants and aquatic life, as well as affect land animals and humans reliant on these systems for survival and other land-bound plant life in need of clean water for growth. Land Pollution Land pollution, the degradation of the Earth’s surfaces and soil, is caused by human activity and a misuse of natural resources. Causes of land pollution and degradation include: * Urban sprawl: Natural habitats are removed to make room for communities, usually with inefficient or irresponsible planning. Urban sprawl generally results in a waste of land area for unused development (such as excessive roads, decorative and unused areas, etc). * Poor agricultural practices: Animal manure runoff from CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operations), the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, the practice of growing monocultures (only one crop season after season) and the deforestation required to expand farm land all contribute to degradation and pollution. * Personal consumption: Our modern culture’s desire to have more, bigger and better â€Å"things†, as well as our relationship to and habit of waste, has lead to stripping of the land, excessive mining and pollution from industrial activities. * Industrial activities: The production of chemical-laden plastics, poor quality of products, unethical practices (such as illegal dumping), and extreme emissions affect both surrounding and far-reaching areas. None of this takes into account illegal dumping, diminishing landfill space, litter, overproduction of synthetic materials, radioactive waste and more. All land pollution is caused by a human impact on the environment and thus can be averted by our actions alone. Two of the necessary actions must be proper planning and proper usage of natural resources. For instances, animals could be taken out of CAFO and allowed to graze on mountainous or wooded areas unsuitable for buildings or crops. Using organic and sustainable farming techniques can eliminate our need for chemical applications. Clean energy, such as wind or solar power, can slowly begin to replace coal or nuclear plants. And as consumers we can lessen our human impact on the environment by demanding better quality products, environmentally ethical practices from industries and a shift toward sustainable energy. Air Pollution One bit of good news about our human impact on the environment is that air pollution is lowering and air quality is increasing. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, since 1990 to 2008: * Ozone decreased 14% * Lead decreased 78% * Nitrogen dioxide decreased 35% * Carbon monoxide decreased 68% * Sulfur dioxide decreased 59% However, 127 million people still live in areas that exceed quality standards. And some of the quality standards are far from ideal, such as ozone. The question is: what amount of air pollution is really okay? Shouldn’t we be striving for technologies or practices that virtually eliminate major polluters, such as: | Photo Source: Michael CavÃÆ' ©n| * Better public transit, electric cars, rail, and city planning etc to replace heavy commutes, fossil fuels, air travel and unwalkable communities * Retrofitting or otherwise upgrading existing factories with greener technologies such as solar panels or air filtration systems * Removing animals from factory farms and raising them on natural diets and rotating pasture to reduce methane emissions and pollution The greatest human impact on the environment we can have is to vote with our pocket book and our actions. By supporting companies that use greener technologies, we can start a trend toward better solutions. By getting involved in community planning and zoning we can have a global impact on a local level. And by buying less â€Å"stuff†, eating less animal products and sourcing our food from sustainable farms, we can spread the word that better solutions do exist and they don’t have to cater to mega-corporations and lobbyist pressure. The Consequences Of A Human Impact On The Environment Man maketh a death which Nature never made. ~ Edward Young What most of us fail to realize is that we will never truly destroy Earth. The planet will always remain and its nature will change and adapt to the conditions. But we have evolved to rely on the very particular conditions currently in place. We have specific water and food requirements, can only tolerate certain temperature ranges and we must have an abundance of clean, breathable air. Just look at how the environment is affecting human health already. Thus the question is not whether the Earth can withstand a human impact on the environment. The real question is will we so change the environment as to drive ourselves (and other species) to extinction? Ready To Get Stepping? All of this information about the human impact on the environment is great to help you understand and formulate your own opinions to the issues, but the most important part is not your opinions; it’s how those opinions change your lifestyle. Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. ~ Henry Ford If you’re ready to get started, I’d recommend the following Steps first: * Top Ways To Go Green: These should be your starting points. They are the no-duh things and most of them are very easy to implement. * Going Green At Home: For most of us, our homes are probably our biggest carbon footprint. Pop over there to learn easy ways to save water, energy and other resources.
Friday, September 27, 2019
City of Constantine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
City of Constantine - Assignment Example Through the presence of his empress wife Theodora and two generals, namely Belisarius and Narses, Africa and Italy was recovered from Vandals and Ostrogoths respectively. Success was not on his side in the struggle against Persians and avoiding attacks of the Bulgars and Slavs. The greatest achievement of Justinian was the Corpus Juris Civilis, which refers to the codification of Roman law. It was also during Justinian time that many public works took place, and one structure worth mentioning due to its enormous and meticulous construction is the Church of Hagia Sophia. It was designed by the imperial architects of Justinian, Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, and was built from 532 to 537. It was constructed by Constantius II in 360, after the declaration of Byzantium as the capital of the Roman Empire. Hagia Sophia was burned in 404 and was reconstructed in 415 by Theodosius II, but was burned again in 532. It collapsed in 558 due to an earthquake and was rebuilt again i n 563. Constantinople was attacked by the Persians, Arabs, Russians, and Bulgars from 6th to 13th century, and members of the fourth crusade in the succeeding years due to its strategic location in terms of transport and trade among continents.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sustainable Business Practice in a Dynamic Global Environment Case Study
Sustainable Business Practice in a Dynamic Global Environment - Case Study Example etting is often understood as the voluntary integration of social, environmental and economic concerns in business operations and stakeholder relations†. There is a link among these factors since they interact when a business carries out its activities. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that mainly focuses on the business’s relationships with social values, responsibilities and the earth that sustains it (Kotler & Armstrong, 2010). This concept suggests that businesses are part of the whole meaning that they are supposed to be responsible for their actions rather than just being concerned about generating profits. In other words, they should plough back to the communities in the environment in which they are operating. Businesses must be accountable for their activities and they must also engage in charity activities as a sign of showing goodwill to the disadvantaged members of the community in particular. The other important concept is sustainable development that has a bearing on the sustainability of the organization in its operations. Sustainable development is concerned with utilization of natural resources in such a way that the future generations can also enjoy the same resources (McNeely, 1992). In order for organizations to be in a position to sustain their operations in the long run, there is need to create a fine balance between the needs of the stakeholders and protection of the environment. This goes hand in hand with the concept of eco efficiency which is concerned with utilising ecological resources in an efficient way such that there are no unnecessary wastages recorded. Holistic Risk Management refers to the process of implementing effective measures that are specifically meant to deal with uncertainties that are often encountered by the business in its operations (Josler & Burger, 2005). The other important concept related to corporate sustainability strategies is sustainable innovation. This refers to a process of
Analyzing the character of Bird Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Analyzing the character of Bird - Essay Example At his present age of twenty eight years he still uses his nick name given to him in his adolescence. Carelessness and attitude to run away from challenging situations can clearly be witnessed by observing Bird’s behavior on the birth of his first child. Leaving his wife alone in the hospital to sweat he escapes into his years old desire of visiting Africa and imagines himself out of the hospital and into the market. Instead of returning back to the hospital to get to know of the status of the child’s birth he merely makes a phone call from a public phone to inquire about the status at the hospital. This behavior seems quite ironic. This is the time of a woman’s life when she needs her husband the most. This is when she needs all the encouragement and support to get motivated to assist the birth of the child. Just by knowing the fact that her husband is around, the man whose baby she is about to give birth to, is enough moral support for her. But Bird just didnâ €™t care. He opted for the easiest option available to him and ran out of the entire situation leaving his wife at the disposal of the doctors and his parents in law. Not very enthusiastic about fatherhood, Bird has been demonstrated as a person who runs away from all kinds of responsibilities. H feels that once he becomes a father he would be devoid of all his freedom, would be locked up in a cage with its door closed. The years that would come after his child’s birth would refrain him from going to Africa – The land of his dreams! Severely struggling between duty and desire Bird is really disappointed with life when the much awaited birth of his child does take place. Unfortunately the new born is a defective child. This further pulls the morale of the already dejected father into dungeons. At this point in his life as well the only person he thinks about is himself. This can easily be conveyed via author Kenzaburo’s (1968) following words in which he depi cts Bird’s instant reaction upon the news of his child’s abnormal birth, â€Å"Bird scuttled back to the bedroom, like a crab making for a ledge. He shut his eyes tight and tried to submerge himself in the warmth of his bed, as if by denying reality he could instantly banish it. But nothing changed. Bird shook in head in resignation.†(15) Reacting selflessly at the hospital and without meeting his wife he leaves her behind in the maternity home he ventures on into his own world running away from the hard hitting facts of life. Some earlier instances of his life, narrated by himself, show that he has considered himself to be in distress ever since he has tied himself in the bond of marriage. He narrates this feeling of his with the similitude of a person being held in a cage with the door of the cage being left open. The fist escape he opts for right after his marriage is that he gets himself drunk continuously for four months. The only thing he did was that he g ot drunk and listened to music. This was all at the expense of a lifetime relationship that he had just stepped into, a responsibility that he faced in the face of a wife who was dependent on him and on top of it all at the expense of his education. Yes, Bird was studying when he ventured on this carelessness spree. Setting aside all future prospects of establishing himself in the society Bird risked his
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Pagiarism and Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Pagiarism and Paraphrasing - Essay Example Additionally, the student starts the sentence as the original sentence without the use of alternative words and relevant connecting words to make the idea original. In their submission, the student could have paraphrased the sentence as follows: given the fact that studies in the biomedical field demand strict obedience to the rules and regulations and the fact that several peers review studies under the field, it is still not enough to give full credit to a scholarly work without due diligence (Crossen, 1994). This sentence is original and much better and thus meets the acceptable standards of plagiarism because although it expresses the same ideas, it uses completely different wording. A second sentence in the passage that has some element of plagiarism in it is the last phrase that goes, ‘and â€Å"buffing†the results by showing them in the best light’. Evidently, the student has again lifted the whole phrase from the original text but has only adjusted the wo rding at a minimal level that still constitutes plagiarism. In a correctly paraphrased text, the student could have stated that ‘the biomedical scholars ought to present their results as they are and not alter them to suit the acceptable scenarios.O’Conner (2003) argued that the art of extensive writing and reading ought to be the hobby of any writer who wishes to excel in the field. Indeed, most writers tend to put information across some of which may not be palatable to some users due to their complexity or the unacceptability of the information relayed.... o the rules and regulations, and the fact that several peers review studies under the field, it is still not enough to give full credit to a scholarly work without due diligence (Crossen, 1994). This sentence is original and much better and thus meets the acceptable standards of plagiarism because although it expresses the same ideas, it uses completely different wording. A second sentence in the passage that has some element of plagiarism in it is the last phrase that goes, ‘and â€Å"buffing†the results by showing them in the best light’. Evidently, the student has again lifted the whole phrase from the original text but has only adjusted the wording at a minimal level that still constitutes plagiarism. In a correctly paraphrased text, the student could have stated that ‘the biomedical scholars ought to present their results as they are and not alter them to suit the acceptable scenarios (Crossen, 1994). Again, this is now more appropriate and can qualify as an acceptable paraphrase. References Top of Form Bottom of Form Crossen, C. (1994). Tainted: The manipulation of fact in America. New York: Touchstone, pp. 166-167. Assignment 2: Paraphrasing O’Conner (2003) argued that the art of extensive writing and reading ought to be the hobby of any writer who wishes to excel in the field. Indeed, most writers tend to put information across some of which may not be palatable to some users due to their complexity or the unacceptability of the information relayed. This notwithstanding, the writer should always ensure that their pieces of work are simple but precise as to convey their ideas in not only accurate manner but also appealing manner especially to their preferred readers. References O’Conner, P. (2003). Woe is I: The grammarphobe’s guide to better English
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
IB biology HL lab Investigate the effects of sodium bicarbonate and Report - 1
IB biology HL Investigate the effects of sodium bicarbonate and light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis of leaves through the observation of floating leaf discs - Lab Report Example In this experiment, the aim is to investigate on the effects of sodium bicarbonate and the intensity of light on the photosynthesis rate in green spinach leaves through the use of floating leaf disks. Being autotrophic organisms, leaves depend on the photosynthesis process that occurs in a series of enzyme mediated steps to capture light and build energy rich carbohydrates. Leaves, when put under water undergo the light-dependent reaction process, thereby producing and releasing oxygen to their interior parts; thus, causing them to rise. However, during the same process, another process, cellular respiration, takes place and consumes the produced oxygen. Therefore, this implies that leaves must have provided the source of carbon that would allow for photosynthesis to take place (Renger, 2008). The available carbon dioxide coupled with the amount of light that the plant receives, the rate of photosynthesis is influenced. With the aspect of sodium bicarbonate arising from the CO2, it is predictable that the same would have an effect on photosynthesis rate. In this lab report, data shall be presented for the variables of the study in categories of control, dependent and independent variables. The data collected shall be in the form of number of disks that floated during the experiment when subjected under different intensities of light and solutions. The hypothesis is that when the green spinach leaves are exposed to higher light intensities in the presence of the sodium bicarbonate, less time will be taken for the leaf disks to float. This is for the reason that there is an increase in the production rate of oxygen during the photosynthesis process that the leaf disks undergo. Upon setting up an experiment in the recommended manner using all the laboratory materials and procedures, the following data was recorded in relation to the number of leaf disks that float to the top of
Monday, September 23, 2019
Figures of speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Figures of speech - Essay Example Figures of speech Style and outstanding clarity are major features of the profound speakers in the world’s history. The ultimate objective of the figures is to initiate a creative shape of the speech. The diverse figures have unique purposes within the speeches. This is evident in the subsequent analysis of Martin Luther’s speech. Diverse figures are evident in the speech of Martin Luther King Jnr. Artful repetition is a paramount technique in formulating and presenting speeches. This involves a deliberate repetition of words or phrases with an objective of clarity and emphasis. The figure of speech also minimizes the complexity of the concepts at hand. Therefore, the audiences have maximum benefits from this figure of speech. It disintegrates sophisticated details for the interest of the audience. This is an evident phenomenon in the speech by Martin Luther King Jnr. In his third paragraph, he artfully repeats the phrase â€Å"one hundred years later†. This brings an emphasis and clarity about the chronology within the hundred years of an immigrant. Therefore, he skillfully disintegrates the complexity of history and presents a simple account. Assertion is also a paramount figure of speech. This technique ensures a revelation of relationships amongst concepts of discussion. The audience always attains clarity and understanding from the comprehensive comparisons of the concepts under discussion. Under this technique, analogies are essential figures of speech. They signify particular affiliations amongst the concepts of discussion.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Health Care Communications Methods Essay Example for Free
Health Care Communications Methods Essay You are the communications coordinator for a national drug manufacturer. Recently, there have been reports of significant negative effects caused by one of your medications that are used by a significant population. News reports have alleged that one of the individuals affected is a well-known public figure. You are tasked with addressing the news reports and the general public regarding this situation. As one of the head members of communications at DrugsRus for the past 15 years, it has been shown firsthand the belongings of narcotic medications on our local population. These have been analyzed and investigated on a national level. It is only recently that the overwhelming craving to the drugs has become widespread within our area; spreading like weeds throughout the country. The increase of drug dependent patients and drug related episodes has resulted in a raised amount of attention and concern from the public. Taking all of this into consideration, overdosing occurrences from incompatible interactions with other medications; narcotic, controlled, or non-narcotic properties alike, have resulted in an exceptional need for change within our business concerning patient rules, regulations, guidelines and restrictions. Changes to otherwise generally agree upon medications as well as required authorization approvals upon external medication intake must be reconsidered. Some have been asked by our board members to develop a communication strategy to address these needs as well as the impact HIPPA and other regulations will have on this type of communication. The following will include the communication strategy decided upon to take as well as the encountered use of regulatory systems such as HIPPA, followed by the advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic and social media for our healthcare communication. Furthermore, the reasons of each of the components of the communication strategies chosen. Communication Channels Although telecommunications is moving forward quickly at a distressing rate, historically established methods of communication in healthcare are still very successful. These traditional communication channels include face-to-face discussions, telephone calls, post mail, fax, memorandums, board meetings, and reports to name a few. Technology has raised the use of electronic communication methods which has in turn has paved the way for new kinds of social media communication methods. Electronic channels of communication include emails, text messaging, EMRs, two-way radios, instant messaging, overhead audio announcements and video conferencing among many other portable devices. Social media channels include newspapers, television broadcasting, online networking, advertisements, webcasts, and social media websites. Unlike using postal mail, utilizing social media and electronic forms of communication would allow the user to emit and obtain information simultaneously as well as gain feedback and reply virtually within minutes. There is always a need for previously documented communication, so advantages of traditional channels include the ability to record and obtain the message that was communicated at a later date for conformation and review. However, the disadvantage is that formal means are usually delayed, meaning the message may not be received until a later date depending upon the medium used, such as with postal mail. The advantages of electronic channels are that messages can be communicated online with ease as well as with the ability to save, download and store the information on a storage media for printing and accessing at a later time. This has virtually eliminated the delay of other traditional means by allowing for the same documentation but at an instant; as well as allows multiple, simultaneous access. Disadvantages of the electronic means can include invasion of privacy and possible security breach as well as it may not reach the part of the public unable to afford such devices or internet access. Advantages of using the social media aspect can attract the attention needed to promote a product or service intended or drive traffic to the intended website of services. This type of channel has the ability to bring people together from all over the world as well as allows each person to express their own opinions and ideas, providing well-needed feedback. Disadvantages of this method when not used properly or failed to promote the communication effectively can cause a permanent damage to the company’s reputation; as this mistake is seen in front of hundreds or thousands of people who also have direct and easy access of spreading their messages online. This way of communicating can also be more time consuming as someone has to be constantly checking in to make comments, answer questions, and reply to feedback. Regulatory Effects While healthcare organizations are responsible to adhere to regulations on a federal level such as with (HHS) Department of Health and Human Services and (HIPPA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act; they are bound by state, local, and some private accrediting organization regulations as well. Any method of communication taken in regards to internal employee and patient awareness as well as external partners, patient families, and the general public must obtain and maintain compliance with regulations set forth by all of the agencies involved. It is important to understand that under the HIPPA privacy law, any identifying information of any patient must have that patient’s written consent before their medical information can be shared. This includes the verbal, written, and electronic use in addition to, appointing a privacy officer responsible for compliance to these standards as well as the ability to identify all ways they intend on communicating the patient information (Osborne, M. Ed. ,OTR/L, 2002). One example, according to the Joint Commission and HIPPA, (SMS) short message service or text messaging is non-secure and noncompliant with safety and privacy regulations and therefore not permitted (Brooks, MD, 2012). In order to use social media channels the information must be DE-identified to maintain compliance with all federal, state and local regulations. Communication Strategy The guidelines, regulations, and restrictions reform will educate employees and target patients, to prohibit the use of adverse medications while receiving treatment at DrugsRus by informing them of the deadly effects and loss of life as a result, using counselors, nurses and physicians through in house meetings, group therapy, one-on-one sessions, automated voicemail messages, flyers, and overhead announcements as well as updated patient rules and regulations pamphlets distributed at the medication window, for the purposes of saving lives and promoting sobriety throughout the recovery process. Rationale for Components Educating our employees will be the first line of defense as our staff can educate the patients as well as enforce the new rules effectively. Counselors can discuss adverse effects of combining medications while in one-on-one sessions with patients. Flyers posted on the walls and offered at the check-in window as well as overhead announcements will catch the attention of patient entering and sitting in the front lobby. Group meetings will be held for patients to discuss changes and express their feelings about the new rules as well as receive feedback as to why these measures have been taken and were needed. Updated pamphlets will be given to each patient as they enter to receive their medication, ensuring every patient is made aware of these official changes. Voicemail messages will follow to ensure the patients at home will be notified of a change and will be opted to prepare for the transition. The object is to reach all of the sixteen hundred patients receiving treatment in enough time to save lives. Each passing day is another chance for an adverse reaction to take another life. In order to implement changes effectively and quickly, all measures of communication must be utilized. Summary In conclusion, as the opiate trend rises among our local and national population, the rise of deaths due to adverse effects of these medications has risen to an all-time high. It is because of the fatalities that a reform of the present patient rules, regulations and guidelines must be implemented and adhered to immediately. As communications officers, we have been asked to develop a strategy to address those needs. We have included some of the present communication methods as well as channels and measures with which to use them effectively. We have included some of the regulations surrounding the legal use of those communication methods. We have given a complete communication strategy which addresses who and what the communication strategy will involve. We have showed how we are going to implement the communication, where and the results of the communication strategy. We have followed up with the reasons this communication effort is so important to our patients and facility as well as vital to our community as a whole.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Causes And Problems Of Economic Scarcity Economics Essay
The Causes And Problems Of Economic Scarcity Economics Essay One of the economy systems is market system. In that system, private individuals and firms own most of the property resources which are land and capital. Individuals and firms are free to make economic decisions that benefit them. Consumers seek to pay for the good and service in the best value. Besides that, the objective of firms is to achieve the maximum profit. Then, workers seek to maximize their wages according to the working in particular job. Individuals, firms, and workers are free to make the economic choices. For example, consumers can decide the type and the amount of the goods that they want to buy. Firms can decide the type, production method and amount of the goods that they want to produce according to their ability. Worker can choose their jobs which they are qualified by themselves. Hence, the rich can satisfy their desires for a good or service because they are able to pay for it. On the other hand, the poor disable to pay for the goods and services they want so they cant maximize their satisfaction. As a result, the people who are able to pay for it can consume the good. Therefore, a market system cope with the economy scarcity by the ability of a person to pay for the goods and services he wants. Besides market system, command economy also can cope with economic scarcity. In this system, government is an economics decision maker. Government makes decision through a central economics plan. Most of the property resources are owned by the government. Individuals and firms cannot make economic decision freely. The government controls the price and quantity supplied of the goods. Government plans the output, production material and the technique used of each firms. It also plans the worker in each industry. Individuals are not given choice to choose their jobs. There is no competition in command economy. Consumers need not to compete to buy a good that is valuable because government distribute all the goods to the people in accordance with needs. Besides that, firms also need not to compete to produce a purchase that can maximize the profit. It is because government has planned the output of each firm. Government distributes goods to the people according to its judgment. For example, government gives more to those who contribute more and work harder. This may encourage people to work harder too. In this system, market prices are used to make the decision to allocate the resources that owned by government and queue the scarce resources. The government distributes the goods and services to the people and allocate the income of the people. Then, it gives the choice to them to spend the money. The objective of doing this is to handle the pattern of expenditure by setting an appropriate price. High price is set to discourage consumption while encourage consumption by setting low prices. Therefore, a command system copes with economic scarcity by the judgment of government to take care of social welfare. Question 3 Part A Supply means that producers are willing and able to produce the amount of good at each of a series of possible prices during a specific period. There are several reasons cause the supply of a product to increase. Cost of resources is one of the determinants of supply. It causes supply of the product to increase when the cost of resources rises and vice versa. The lower price of resources will reduce the cost of production. By the time, more profit will be made at the price. Hence, producers will increase the production to maximize the profit. For example, the decrease in the price of rubber will increase the supply of tires. Prices of other goods can affect the increase in supply of a product too. When a firm wants to produce a particular product, it can use their plant and method to produce alternatives goods. For example, laptop and desktop are the goods in joint supply. When the price of laptop rises, firms are more interested in producing laptop because it can earn more profit. At the same time, desktop becomes unattractive to the firms because it cannot maximize their profit. Another reason of increase in supply of a product is the number of sellers. When the number of sellers becomes larger, market supply will become greater. If firms leave an industry, the market supply will decrease and the supply curve will shift leftward. In conclusion, decrease in cost of production of a good, increase in the number of sellers and decrease in the price of a good in joint supply with the good that produced by the firm are the reasons of increase in supply of a product. Part B The government sets price floors on goods to avoid the price of them from falling below a certain level. However, economists say that the price floors and ceiling stifle the rationing function of prices and distort resource allocation. Economists say it because price floor is above the equilibrium price that stifle the rationing function of prices. Rationing function of prices is the ability of the competitive force to establish the consistent price of the good in selling and buying decision. If the market equilibrium price of a burger is RM2 and there is no shortage and surplus in the market, the consumers who are able and willing to pay RM2 for a burger will obtain it. However, the buyers who cannot or will not pay for it will fail to obtain it. On the other hand, sellers are able and willing to sell burger in RM2 will sell it and the sellers who are disable or not willing to sell a burger for RM2 will not sell it. The objective of setting the price floor is to protect the producers income. The setting of price floor can ensure the producers in not making loss in sales. Besides that, it also motivates the producers to increase in the production in goods. Hence, the supply of the goods will not keep decreasing and out of control. In resources allocation, consumers suppose to pay less in buying the product but the setting of price floor raise the price of the product. For example, the price of mask is falling to RM0.05 each because of the surplus. Then, government sets a price floor of RM0.10 for each mask. By the time, consumers need to buy it at the price of RM0.10 and they suppose to buy it at the price of RM0.50. It has distorted the resource allocation. Government sets price ceiling to prevent the price of good from rising above a certain level. The objectives of setting the price ceiling are to protect the benefit of consumers. The setting of price floor can ensure the consumers to be able to buy a particular product especially for those on low incomes. Besides that, it also encourages the consumers to buy the product. However, it is not fair to the suppliers because they suppose to earn more from sales. For example, the price of volleyball is RM100 because of the increase in demand. Then, government sets price ceiling of RM80 for each volleyball. Therefore, the suppliers sell the volleyball at the price of RM80 and they suppose to gain RM100 from each of the volleyball. This has distorted the resource allocation too. Question 5 Part A There are several differences between a decrease in demand and decrease in quantity demanded. Quantity demanded is the amount of a good that a buyer is able and willing to buy it at a certain price over a time period. Decrease in quantity demanded is caused by the rise in price of a product. For example, when the price of a mobile phone rises from RM800 to RM1000, the quantity demanded will fall from 1000 units to 500 units. However, decrease in demand is caused by the determinants of demand, rather than the price of the good. The determinants of good affect the decrease in demand such as tastes, number of buyers, income of household, the price of substitute and complement good and consumer expectation. For instance, tea and coffee are substitute goods. When the price of tea falls from RM2 to RM1, the demand of coffee will decrease. It is because the price of tea and the demand of coffee are positive relationship. Consumers tend to buy more tea when its price falls and so the demand of coffee will decrease. PBesides that, decrease in quantity demanded causes the demand curve to move upward. A P1 B P2 D0 0 Q2 Q1111 Q Figure 1 Figure 2 P Q D0 P0 0 Q1 Q0 D1Figure 1 shows a decrease in quantity demanded of apple. According to the figure 1, the price of apple falls from P1 to P2, there is a movement downward from point A to point B along the demand curve D0. Nevertheless, the decrease in demand causes the demand curve to shifts leftward. Figure 2 showing a decrease in demand of potatoes. Potato is a normal good. The decrease in income of consumers causes the decrease in demand of potatoes. According to the figure 2, when the income of consumers decreases, the demand of potatoes decreases from Q0 to Q1. Therefore, the demand curve shifts leftward from D0 to D1. Part B Percentage change in quantity demandedIncome elasticity of demand is used to measure the responsiveness of demand to a change in consumers income by buying more or less of a good. The coefficient of income elasticity of demand, Ed can calculate from this formula: Percentage change in income Ed = There are three degrees of income elasticity of demand which are positive, negative and exactly zero. If the income elasticity coefficient, Ed is greater than 1, that means it is elastic. The percentage change in quantity demanded is greater than percentage change in income. The goods can be normal goods or superior goods. For example, shoe is a normal good. When the income of consumer increases by 10%, the quantity demanded of shoes will increase by 20%. The income elasticity of demand of shoes is 2, > 0. If the income elasticity coefficient, Ed is less than 0, that means it is inelastic. The percentage change in quantity demanded is less than percentage change in income. The good is recognized as an inferior good. For instance, used clothing is an inferior good. If the income of consumer rises by 5%, then the quantity demanded of used clothing will decrease by 10%. Hence, the income elasticity of demand of used clothing is -2, < 0. If the income elasticity coefficient, Ed is equal to zero, meaning that the degree is exactly zero. The percentage change in income will not affect the percentage change in quantity demanded. Such goods are called necessities. For example, rice is a necessity of daily life. If consumers income decreases, the quantity demanded of rice will not increase and remain the same. Therefore, the income elasticity of demand is equal to zero. Question 6 Part A Diagram 3 80 50 Q0 Consumer surplus con Equilibrium price 0 DConsumer surplus is the benefit received by consumers in market. It is the difference between the maximum price that consumers are willing to pay and the actual price of the good. Consumer surplus appears when a consumer pay the equilibrium price that less than the price he would be willing to pay to obtain the product. P (RM) Q (unit) Diagram 3 shows the demand curve of bag. For example, Lily is willing to pay a maximum of RM80 to obtain a bag. The equilibrium price of the bag is RM50. So, Lily receives a consumer surplus of RM30 (RM80-RM50). .The relationship between consumer surplus and price is negative. Lower prices increase the consumer surplus but higher prices reduce it. Producer surplus is the benefit received by the producers in markets. It is the difference between the minimum acceptable price and the actual price that producers receive. Producer surplus appears when the minimum acceptable price of producers higher than the equilibrium price. Producer surplus and price are positively related. Lower prices decrease the producer surplus but higher prices increase it. P (RM) Diagram 4 Equilibrium price Q0 Producer surplus pro S 0 2000 Q (unit) Diagram 4 shows the supply curve of computer. For instance, Peter is the seller of computer in market. His minimum acceptable price is RM1500. As the equilibrium price of computer in market is RM2000, Peter received a producer surplus of RM500 (RM2000-RM500). Good XPart B 20 F B A C 15 Diagram 5 2 5 10 E 0 5 7 8 D Good Y Diagram 5 shows the production possibilities frontier. Assume that there are full employment, fixed resources, fixed technology and two goods are produced in the certain period. Point A, B, C and D mean that the resources of production are used efficiently. Point E means that the economy is wasting the resources without produce the greatest output possible. Point F cannot be achieved because the technology and resources are not able to achieve it. Scarcity is a situation when there are limited resources that cannot produce as many products as they want to produce and satisfy the unlimited wants of people. The concept is shown by diagram 4. The area inside the curve shows the resources are limited. If firms want to increase the production in good X from 15 units to 20 units, they must reduce the production of good X from 5 to 2 at the same time. It is because the resources are limited. Choice is an economic concept for people to choose a good in order to maximize their satisfaction because of the scarcity. According to the diagram 4, firms will decide to increase or decrease in production of good X or good Y that can maximize the profit. For example, if the increase in production in good X can raise their profit, firms will tend to do it. Opportunity cost occurs because of the choices that people made. It is the second best choice that has been scarifying in making choice. For example, firms have choices of producing 10 units good X and 7 units good Y or 15 units goods X and 5 units good Y. If firms make the first choice, the opportunity cost will be 2 units good Y. On the other hand, the opportunity cost will be 5 units good X if firms make the second choice.
Friday, September 20, 2019
French lieutenants woman
French lieutenants woman The French lieutenants woman The setting throughout the novel is predominantly Victorian. Most of the novels action takes place at Lyme Regis, Dorset and England. Lyme Regis was one of many small villages in southwest England scattered along the coast. It consisted largely of small houses surrounded by hills on one side and the sea on the other. The Cobb was built along the shore and it is a promenade where people could enjoy the sea air while taking a walk. A section of the hills, known as the Ware Commons, was a meeting ground for most young couples and where Charles and Sarah met each other clandestinely. Lymes community was close-knit and provincial. Unlike the larger metropolitan areas such as London, here people upheld the prevailing social norms. Unconventional behavior is seen as an aberration and often times a sign of mental illness. The repressive norms and the peoples insensitive attitude towards Sarah succeed in driving her to Exeter. In the nineteenth century, Exeter served the same purpose as London does today. Exeter was notorious for providing all sorts of wicked entertainment. Brothels, dance halls and gin palaces thrived there. It served as a haven for shamed girls and women, namely unmarried mothers and mistresses who were victims of sexual abuse or social rejects. Due to its scandalous reputation, many upstanding English kept their distance from such like these places. Social norms were virtually non-existent. For a brief moment the action shifts to London where Charles signs his statement of guilt. It is also here that Charles and Sarah meet, after a two-year separation, at the Rossetti residence. The action tends to move back and forth between the Victorian and the modern age as Fowles tends to make intrusive comments about the past and the present. He has deliberately recreated a Victorian world so that he can criticize those aspects of the Victorian era that would seem alien to a modern reader. It is interesting to note the different social conditions prevalent in these places and their effects on individuals. In this novel, Fowles is interested in the literary genre of the nineteenth-century romantic or gothic novel and succeeds in reproducing typical Victorian characters, situations and dialogue. But Fowles perception of the genre is touched with typical twentieth-century irony. His thematic concerns range from the relationship between life and art and the artist and his creation to the isolation that results from an individual struggling for selfhood. Fowles aim is to bring to light those aspects of Victorian society that would appear most foreign to contemporary readers. Victorian attitudes towards women, economics, science and philosophy are tackled as minor themes within the main plot. Both women and the working-class are two groups that are revealed as being oppressed both economically and socially in a society that inhibits mobility for anyone who is not middle or upper-class and male. These are the social issues that Fowles explores within the guise of a traditional romance. The general mood throughout the novel is somber and turbulent. From the initial chapter, the mood is set. A strong easterly wind is blowing and a storm is coming in. It is in such a setting that Charles and Sarah meet. The atmosphere suits Sarahs enigmatic personality. Throughout the novel, she is presented as a dark, mysterious and intriguing figure. The reader are unconsciously aware that the lovers, Charles and Sarah, are doomed from the beginning. In several sections, the mood changes to one of irony and realistic recording of details. Fowles tends to comment on several unknown aspects of the Victorian era (e.g. prostitution) in an ironically realistic manner. Until today, the Victorian Age was seen to be a Golden Age where Reason and Rationality were proclaimed as dogma and faith. People were beginning to question the claims that religion made about the existence of God and the beginning of man. Anything that could not be proven through experimentation and science was immediately treated with suspicion. With Charles Darwins The Origin of Species (1859) the biblical myth of Adam and Eve and the origins of man were shattered. Darwins work created quite an uproar as it succeeded it in shattering the Victorian peoples unquestioning religious faith. The narrator opens the The French Lieutenants Woman with background information on Lyme Regis, where the story is initially set. After that he introduces Charles Smithson, a thirty-two-year-old gentleman and his young fiancee, Ernestina Freeman. Charles Smithson is a male protagonist of the novel. He is a wealthy Victorian gentlemen and heir to a title. He is interested in Darwin and paleontology and considers himself to be intellectually superior to other Victorian men, as he is one of the few who holds scientifically advanced ideas. He is engaged to Ernestina Freeman but he is attracted to the mysterious Miss Woodruff. He is unhappy with the way his life is unfolding, yet he is extremely sensitive and intelligent. He is an insecure man constantly analyzing his life. Ernestina Freeman is Charles fiancà ©e. She is pretty, coy and intelligent, but at times she tends to reveal her youth and naivete. She likes to think of herself as a modern woman but her attitudes are similar to most of the young Victorian women who behaved in a proper manner. She is Aunt Tranters niece and she is vacationing in Lyme when the story begins. Aunt Tranter is Ernestinas mothers sister. She is a kind woman who is loved by her domestic staff because she treats people with respect. She offers to help Sarah when the rest of the town rejects her. Aunt Tranter is an honest woman and lacks hypocrisy of any sort. The action begins in 1867, but the narrator often breaks into the narrative, noting that the story is being related in the twentieth century. He does this initially by comparing the Cobb to a contemporary Henry Moore sculpture. The novel starts with Charles and Tinas walk, which is interrupted by the presence of a woman in a dark cape, standing alone at the end of the Cobb, staring out to sea. Tina explains to a curious Charles what she has heard about the woman, known as Tragedy and the French lieutenants woman, and her status as a social outcast. Rumors suggest that Sarah Woodruff was seduced and abandoned by a French naval officer who was shipwrecked off the coast. As she nursed him back to health, he reportedly made promises to her that he will return back to Lyme and marry her. Destitute and rejected by most of the Lyme Regis society, Sarah is taken in by the pious Mrs. Poulteney, who plans to save the young woman in order to assure her own status as a worthy Christian. Mrs. Poulteney is a a cruel old woman, who takes great delight in harassing her domestic staff. Her temperament is exactly opposite to that of Mrs. Tranters. She believes herself to be an upholder of Christian virtues yet in reality, she is a hypocrite who reluctantly helps people only out of a show of charity. Sarah in employed by her in the position of a companion. She succeeds in making Sarahs life miserable by constantly reminding her that she is an outcast. After that Charles has seen Sarah Woodruff at shores while he was walking with Ernestina, the next day, he, whose hobby is paleontology, walks through the Undercliff searching for fossils while Tina visits her Aunt Tranter. During his walk, Charles comes across Sarah sleeping in a clearing. She awakens with a start, and, after apologizing for disturbing her, Charles departs. In this moment he does not understand himself that why he was staring and watching at her. Those few seconds appeared for him for a long time, and he did not want to go away from that secret place. His departure was because of Sarahs awakening. In my opinion Charles was scared of himself, because he had a specific feeling when he was looking at Sarah. In this scene we can feel that something has changed in Charles or just start changing inside his soul. The narrator notes Charless growing obsession with the mysterious Sarah. After stopping at a farmhouse to refresh himself, Charles again sees Sarah on the path. She rejects his offer to escort her home and implores him to tell no one that she has been walking there, an activity that Mrs. Poulteney has forbidden her. The next day, during a visit to Mrs. Poulteneys, Sarah silently observes Charles and Aunt Tranters support of the relationship between Sam and Mary. Mary is the maid in Aunt Tranters house. She is a free-spirited, down-to-earth soul. Sam Farrow, Charles man-servant falls in love with her. He is not content with his present status and wants to climb the social ladder. He is ambitious and he is determined to secure his future with Mary even if he has to blackmail Charles. Charles assumes that he has made a connection with Sarah at the visiting, but the next time their paths cross on the Undercliff, she rebuffs his efforts to help her escape Mrs. Poulteneys control. When she insists that she cannot leave the area, Charles assumes that her feelings for the French lieutenant are the cause. After she admits that the lieutenant has married, her mystery deepens for Charles. Charless curiosity concerning Sarah causes him to think about the comparatively one-dimensional Tina and his own needs and desires. During another walk, Sarah finds him, presents him with two fossils, and begs him to hear her story. After determining that listening to Sarah would be a kind act and a useful study of human nature, Charles agrees to meet with her. Sarah admits that Lieutenant Varguennes proposed marriage and seduced her, even though she knew he was not an honorable man. The shame that she has embraced as a result has enabled her to separate herself from a society that would not accept her, due to her common birth. Her education had awakened her to the inequities of social class and gender, and thus her status as an outcast prevents her from having to conform to conventional roles. During their conversation, Sam and Mary appear, and Sarah and Charles hide themselves. As she watches Sam and Mary embrace, Sarah turns to Charles and smiles. Charles, noticeably disconcerted at Sarahs open expression of her interest in him, abruptly leaves. While I was reading this part of the novel, I did not understand that why Sarahs attitude has changed. At the beginning she rejected Charless help and did not want to talk to him. But everything has changed in this part. In my opinion it is because of Charles. Sarah observed him and realized that he is a real gentleman who has travelled a lot all over the Europe, he has seen several and different cultures, so he is not only a knowledgeable man, but also sensitive and smart. All these reasons lead to the Sarahs claim. She needs a person who can not only help her but also understand and feel with her. In this case we can say that Sarah is innocent woman, who needs help and a considerate person, but also we may think that she only wants to exploit Charles and organize her life with his help. Charles discovers that he is in danger of losing his inheritance and title, which causes tensions with Tina. He later asks his old friend Dr. Grogan to advise him about his relationship with Sarah, who has just been thrown out of Mrs. Poulteneys home for disobeying her orders. Dr. Grogan is an intelligent, friendly man who befriends Charles. The younger man finds him to be a sympathetic listener. Dr. Grogan empathizes with Sarah but finds her behavior too outrageous to be taken seriously. He is refreshingly unconventional in his views for a Victorian although he belongs more to an earlier age that was more liberal in many ways. Dr. Grogan rightly guesses that Sarah engineered this dismissal so that Charles would come to her rescue. Dr. Grogan sympathizes with her situation but believes that Sarah wants Charles constant attention. He diagnoses her condition as a mental illness called melancholia and wants to get her institutionalized. Charles, however, chooses not to follow Grogans advice to stay away from her and meets her the next day on the Undercliff. Charles breaks off an embrace and rushes off, but not before he stumbles upon Sam and Mary who have seen them together. The two servants promise not to tell anyone of the meeting. Meanwhile, Sarah has come to depend on Charles who is himself going through a change. He is beginning to question his ages conventions and questioning himself. He urges Sarah to leave Lyme and go to Exeter where she will have more freedom to live an unconventional life. Sarah takes his advice but Charles cannot forget her. At the same time, he feels guilty for even thinking about her. He does not love Ernestina and is marrying her solely for her wealth. He thinks their relationship is nothing more than a facade. The Victorian society imposed a great deal of repressive conventions and norms on its people, especially women and the working class. Victorian women were socially conditioned to believe that their rightful place was at home with their husbands and children. A Victorian woman was expected to accept the patriarchal norm unhesitatingly. Her duty was to her husband and children. Only if she toed this social line would she be deemed a proper young Victorian lady. The institution of marriage was often a contract agreement. Money often married into a titled family as in Charles and Ernestinas case, thereby reinforcing the dominant societys power. Money and nobility were often the main criteria for a Victorian marriage. The practice of prostitution was a topic that Victorian archivists rarely touched upon. Most historians up until recently thought that the Victorian age was known for its virtuous and pure qualities yet Fowles novel reveals that even during the Age of Propriety prostitution flourished and consequently women were often victims of sexual abuse or social rejects. By giving prostitutes a mention in his novel, Fowles is attempting to be realistic about their situation. He is obviously concerned about the role of women in Victorian England and societys treatment of them. As is apparent women of all classes right from the aristocracy to the prostitutes were exploited by society which was largely patriarchal and this practice continues even today. Fowles constantly interrupts the narrative by making authorial comments with a twentieth century perspective. The narrative action digresses back and forth from the Victorian Age to the twentieth century in time. Fowles is writing a novel set in the nineteenth-century romantic literary genre but with a twentieth century perspective. Charles finds the prospect of living a life as a dutiful husband and son-in-law unappealing. He wants to have a more meaningful life, unrestricted by traditions. After that Sarah has moved to Exeter, aided by money Charles has given her, Charles tries to direct his thoughts to his engagement with Tina, but feels as if he is being trapped by her father who wants him to become his business partner. He is tempted to go to Sarah in Exeter but instead returns to Tina. The narrator provides the first of three endings here. Charles and Tina marry, along with Sam and Mary, and both couples prosper in a contrived Victorian conclusion. Immediately, however, the narrator insists that this ending is only what has taken place in Charless imagination. Charles does in fact go to Exeter to see Sarah, who seduces him. Charles discovers that she had not been intimate with the French lieutenant. After returning to his hotel, he writes to Sarah of his plans to marry her, but Sam intercepts the letter. After breaking off his engagement with Tina the next day, Charles returns to Exeter but finds that Sarah has disappeared. Charles hires private investigators to find Sarah and departs for America. While he was touring America, he receives word that Sarah has been found. He hurries back to England and finds Sarah living with the Rossettis. She has changed drastically, and Charles finds this difficult to accept. Sarah greets Charles at Gabriel Rosettis home and explains that she has been working as the painters model and secretary. Charles is shocked at how easily Sarah has fit into the scandalous Pre-Raphaelite group. After Sarah insists that she will never marry and Charles prepares to leave. When Sarah introduces him to their daughter, Lalage, however, the three embrace, suggesting that they will become a true family. It is a conventional ending, which ends happily, but there is another one ending, which is unconventional. The narrator then reappears, sets his watch back fifteen minutes, and provides the last conclusion to the story. Sarah reasserts her decision not to marry but suggests the two might remain friends and lovers. Charles rejects her offer and leaves, devastated and alone. The first element that must fade into the background is Charless love for Sarah, which has become quite evident by his actions in the novel and by the narrators statement in the first ending, Behind all his rage stood the knowledge that he loved her still. When, however, in the contemporary ending, Charles recognizes the reality of the arrangement Sarah offers him, he chooses his freedom and dignity over his love for her, recognizing that if he stayed, he would become the secret butt of this corrupt house, the starched soupirant, the pet donkey. As a result, he feels his own true superiority to her which was . . . an ability to give that was also an inability to compromise. She could give only to possess; and to possess him. Although his decision to leave tosses him metaphorically out upon the unplumbd, salt, estranging sea, his experience has enabled him to discover a firm trust in his own character and abilities. Sarahs love for Charles, another element of the first ending, is not quite as evident in the text. Sarah admits, in her own words, that she is not to be understood, a valid statement since neither Charles nor the reader is privy to her thoughts. Yet while the motivations for her behavior remain enigmatic, she ultimately cannot deny her feelings. When Charles entreats her to admit that she never had loved him, she replies, I could not say that. The reality of Sarahs love for Charles can be plausibly neglected in the second ending when Sarah realizes her wish that she had earlier expressed to Charles. She explains, I do not want to share my life. I wish to be what I am, not what a husband, however kind, however indulgent, must expect me to become in marriage. Thus Sarah gains her freedom, but her final reaction to this condition is unclear; from the narrators ironic vantage point, Sarah is too far away for him to see whether or not there are tears in her eyes. I believe that in every women there is a power, which they can use it in two ways: in a right way and in a wrong way. Not all women can discover it inside their souls, it needs capacity and ability. In a conventional ending, I think Sarah used it in a right way because everything ended happily. In the unconventional ending Sarah in my opinion used it in a wrong way because she trapped Charles and exploit him and ruined his life. If she had wanted to be with him, she would not have gone away from Exeter. I think she could wait for him and everything would be all right, but she did not do that. It explains everything: her behavior, her thoughts and her uttered words. There are women, who uses their power to do good things, to change our world and make it better. By coming together to support each others goals and dreams, women not only enhance their own lives, they empower others. The true Power of Women is that we have within us the power to change the world.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Music Industry and Teen Violence :: Music Media Youth Violence
The Music Industry and Teen Violence Should we blame the industry or shouldn’t we? This compare and contrast essay, the two sides of these two article is that one states the music industry is at fault for the way today’s teens are acting written by a writer from the Arizona Daily Star, by the name of Jim Patten and the other article states that the music industry isn’t at fault for the way today’s youth is acting and this article was written by a 17yr. old student named Daniel Marcha. Both of these articles have a good argument, Patten’s is good because he’s a pro at getting his point across in his writing, plus his support is also good, he’s not just saying that the media is at fault completely but that they should take some blame for what is going on in society with our teens. The Marcha argument is coming straight from the mind of a teenager which is letting us know how some teens are thinking about the subject of society putting blame on what they watch and listen t o for their actions. Daniel Marcha, â€Å"Teens enjoy these media offerings because they provide an outlet to relieve stress that occurs during daily life.†He’s saying that instead of us taking the media, as an example of we (teens) should act we are using the media, as way for us to get escape our aggression. So teenagers in today’s society are taking in the bad media and putting it to good use. Is it right for the government to look at the actions of some kids who decided to shoot up their school or a kid kills himself while listening to his favorite song and say that the music and tv we watch needs to be censored? No we all are responsible for our own actions. Now on the other hand we have Jim Patten a man in the media is saying that the media isn’t completely at fault but that it should take some responsibility for the actions of teens. Patten fires saying that there is too much violence being put out on the media and that isn’t necessarily making our teens act the way they do but it is affecting them. All Patten is saying is that we should really clean it up and accept some of the responsibility.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Analysis of Abbey Tomb, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and To Aut
Analysis of Abbey Tomb, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, and To Autumn ‘By using the first or second person – a poet creates a sense of direct dialogue with the reader.’ What is your response to this view? By the use of the first or second person a poet can establish a connection between the character and the reader because the poet can address the reader directly. The poems I have chosen to study are ‘Abbey Tomb’ by Patricia Beer, ‘The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’ by T.S. Elliot and ‘To Autumn’ by John Keats. Beer’s use of the first person in ‘Abbey Tomb’ creates the sense that the monk is confiding in the reader. In addition the link between reader and the Beer’s character is enhanced because the monk is talking through time, which makes the reader feel involved because the monk is intrusting the reader with his grievance that has lasted beyond the grave. ‘I told them not to ring the bells†¦their tombs look just as right as mine,’ it could be seen here that the monk is trying to get the final word to the reader as time has worn away the truth and there is no one alive who knows he was right. This also implies his frustration that the other monks did not listen to him because his complain is made directly to the reader. With the use of the first person Beer is able to create what resembles a first hand account of the incident, which is being retold to the reader. ‘We stood still†¦staring at the door,’ the monks were waiting for the Vikings. ‘We heard them passing by†¦only I could catch the sound of prowling men†¦everybody else agreed to ring the bells,’ the monks then think the Vikings had left and decided to ring the bells; again we see that the monk is trying to prove he was right by em... ...logue with the reader, even though the poem is written in the second person because is addressed to Autumn, as proclaimed in the title of the poem. Keats makes no reference to the audience throughout the poem, but personifies Autumn ‘sitting careless,’ ‘thy hair soft-lifted†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ and ‘by a cider-press, with patient look, thou watchest.’ Therefore this demonstrates that a poem can be written in the second person and contain no sense of a direct dialogue with the reader. I believe that the statement is too specific; some poems in the first or second person, like ‘Abbey Tomb,’ are purely expressed to the reader because the use of ‘I’ can create the sense of a conversation. On the other hand, in ‘the love song of J.Alfred Prufrock’ and more directly in ‘To Autumn,’ another character is addressed beside the reader which weakens the sense of a direct dialogue.
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